Trump Quietly Busts up California’s Deep (Water) State – IOTW Report

Trump Quietly Busts up California’s Deep (Water) State

Department of Water Resources and Fish and Game were using Cal-Fed (bond) funds to backfill their state budget deficits.

California Globe: Before President Donald Trump was elected, on May 27, 2016 he stated at a rally in Fresno, California: “There is no drought…If I win, believe me, we’re going to start opening up the water so that you can have your farmers survive.”

Michael Hiltzik of the Los Angeles Times responded on June 6 that Trump was “bloviating,” “oversimplifying a complicated problem” and cautioned that “putting one’s trust in Trump is the wrong place to start.” The national media scoffed at Trump’s seemingly preposterous boast (CNBCHuffington, the Daily Beast, etc.). 

However, on January 15, 2020, the California Department of Water Resources “with virtually no public notice quietly gave away a significant portion of Southern California’s water to farmers in the Central Valley as part of a deal with the Trump administration in December 2018”. 

Trump’s deal will shift 217,000 acre-feet of water to farmers in dry years, which would irrigate about 72,333-acres of row crop land (113-square miles). Over 400,000 acres of land were left unused in the drought of 2014.

This new Trump water “deal” revised a compact dating back to 1986 on the percentage of water the federal and state water systems have to provide in wet and dry years. Even more quietly, this deal accomplished what all California governors since 1986, and powerful U.S. Senator and environmental advocate Diane Feinstein (D-California), could not do: potentially provide more water for farmers and “improve the health of the health of the river system” for fish. MORE HERE

14 Comments on Trump Quietly Busts up California’s Deep (Water) State

  1. Trump is saying, “take that, Adam Schittstain!!” He’s running circles around the Dems, while they’re stuck their swamp.

    Remember this song from Donald Get Your Gun?

    Donald: Anything you can do I can do better
    I can do anything better than you
    The Dems: No, you can’t
    Donald: Yes, I can
    The Dems: No, you can’t
    Donald: Yes, I can
    The Dems: No, you can’t
    Donald: Yes, I can! Yes, I can!

    Anything you can be I can be greater
    Sooner or later I’m greater than you
    No, you’re not
    Yes, I am
    No, you’re not
    Yes, I am
    No, you’re not
    Yes, I am, yes I am

  2. He confounds and enrages the Left so well by doing
    good things that it is wonderful to watch.
    The once smooth MSM/DNC machine has a Trump wrench
    jammed into its gears.
    The fact that the MSM won’t report on what he is
    accomplishing stealths his attacks on their
    statist systems so that they don’t see it coming.

  3. The state has long employed a seductive siren in government, her name is Miss Management. Her presence is everywhere in’the state. The state has killed of innovation,
    forcing increased bureauocracy everywhere.They keep electing idiots like Gov Nuisance.

  4. Did 8 months in California, it seemed like a lot longer, oil and gas work, a few years back. It was like being in another country, government regulations out the wazoo, panhandlers, found out my personal protection was illegal (14 round magazine); and, some poor bastard stole the windshield wipers off my pickup. The land of fruits and nuts just doesn’t do California justice, it’s a hell of a lot worse than that.

  5. Agatha Kakalogical
    FEBRUARY 2, 2020 AT 11:05 AM

    “MCGA-Make California Golden Again!!!”

    …I like the enthusiasm, but the acronym needs work.

    How about,
    California Agricuture Can Arise?


    …no, that’s not it either, back to the drawing board…

  6. CA is a near fascist state, because of its total corruption by the left

    One tool of oppression is water. Another is an ever-growing army of street loons and addicts encamped in every corner of every city, well funded (you’d be shocked at the amount of welfare they get each month), immune from police control, all aided and controled via their free obama phones.


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