Trump Rally… in Japan – IOTW Report

Trump Rally… in Japan

Trump rally in Fukuoka, Japan.

15 Comments on Trump Rally… in Japan

  1. Free people all over realize that if the US has a rigged presidential election that anybody and everybody is in jeopardy of a rigged election. This is not good for anyone, and the world knows it.

  2. @ Joe6pak,

    What do you think would happen if every Trump voter just decided to not pay their taxes? I think that’s close to 80 million people, maybe more.

    And besides, if the US government can print their own money out of thin air, why the fuck do we have to pay taxes anyways?

  3. The Japanese know how important Trump was/is to their existence. They live next door to the Red Beast and know very well how terrible its fiery breath is.

    China is lining up the dominoes in Asia and Japan night be one of them.

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