Trump Rally: Selma, North Carolina – IOTW Report

Trump Rally: Selma, North Carolina

Link at RSBN!

15 Comments on Trump Rally: Selma, North Carolina

  1. Trump’s biggest problem is that he trusts people at their word … until they go back on it. unfortunately, politicians make a habit of it.
    Trump, to his credit, hasn’t the politician’s lack of scruples, which leads to an appearance of gullibility that is frustrating

    Trump’s trust needs to be more …. discrete, so to say … a bit more guarded

    but Trump is Trump. love him. his flaws are much less than mine & I’d follow him before any political whore we have on the stage today

    Trump has a beautiful life, a beautiful wife … he doesn’t need this shit … he’s the Tom Brady of politics … he don’t need this shit … but he cares!

    God bless him!

  2. This is why women shouldn’t be allowed to vote. Dr. Oz is far from the ideal candidate. However Dr. Oz is the candidate running that will best support the MAGA agenda of any candidate running. Really, it’s not tough to figure out.

  3. Trump endorsing swamp RINO carpetbagger (see a few examples, below) Oz for PA Senate, shows he learned nothing after being snookered by the Priebus/Tillerson/Sessions types, and is once again falling for their establishment/globalist bullsh!t.

    Please, Dear G-d, let the Orange Man sit down and let someone (like DeSantis) whose brain and principles outweigh is massive ego, take the reigns…

  4. Trump endorsing swampy, RINO-carpetbagger (see a few examples, below) Oz for PA Senate, shows he learned nothing after being snookered by the Priebus/Tillerson/Sessions types, and is once again falling for their establishment/globalist bullsh!t.

    Please, Dear G-d, let The Donald sit down and let someone (like DeSantis) whose brain and actual principles outweigh his massive ego, be our next POTUS nominee…

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