Trump Responds – IOTW Report

Trump Responds

NewsThud: Former President Donald J. Trump was acquitted by the United States Senate in his impeachment trial on Saturday, by a vote of 57 to 43. Though a majority it was not enough to convict.

Trump issued a statement almost immediately, bashing the “witch hunt”, highlighting the many MANY hypocrisies and double standards America has witnessed by Democrats and the media through these proceedings, and promising to stay with Americans through the work ahead. READ STATEMENT

23 Comments on Trump Responds

  1. The Republican Party, what a fucking joke.

    If the situation was reversed and a dem voted to convict, he could fucking hang not just his career as a pol up, but he could kiss any semblance of a life after politics goodfuckingbye.

    What a disgrace, anyone that thinks there is the slightest hope for representation by this slimy bag of slugs is out to GD lunch.

  2. The letterhead and seal on that response/rebuke to the left’s political Kabuki theatre says it all – Mr. Trump knows he is STILL the legal President of the United States of America. Love it!

    Part of the reason the Democrats tried to impeach him – they know the truth – Mr. Trump is legally the President. The Democrats were just covering all their corrupt bases.

    Eventually, Xiden and his fake administration will implode.
    Payback’s coming for leftist traitors who voted to convict President Trump of a crime he never committed.

  3. I love our President (the real, valid one, NOT the sick joke that is inflicted on us). Thank God that President Trump is still fighting and as ornery as ever — gives me hope in these trying times.

    Never, ever give up — Trump and Churchill are Lions and hopefully not the Last Lions.

  4. “So, I wonder what will be next in their Commie bag of tricks? No way they are going to let up and leave him alone.”

    The Southern District DA of New York will be dogging his ass for years.

  5. Conservatives up here in Canuckistan are also eating their own.

    It could take a few years to flush all the Turds on this continent. Lets hope Trumps efforts to fix the Repubes in the primaries cleans the mess up in 2 – 4 years.

    Up here I’m Fucked for about 5 more minimum. I expect an election within a year and the conservatives WILL get Fuck All in the next election.

    Bad times ahead. Hold Stronq!

  6. Freaking amazing! The freaks can’t besmirch President Trump, AGAIN!!

    How many times does wicked Nancy and her minions need to be kicked in the teeth by TRUTH, before they walk away!

    President Trump is Superman, shedding evil.

  7. Aw man, I actually really miss President Trump after reading that.

    I was kinda in shock from Xhao Bai Dong getting the win so this is it really settling in for me… 🙁

    Say what you will but with Trump there was no bullshit, straight shooter, knew how to play to his constituents but also kept his word while doing it.

  8. According to that sorry SOB McConnell their next step is to try him criminally. That old bastard and his China wife should be sitting in Gitmo today.
    I know vengeance is God’s, but I sure hope that bastard gets some vengeance on this earth before God gets him.

    Also never forget regardless of how the sorry ass Republicans in the Senate voted today, they all voted for this man to lead the Senate.


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