Trump Responds, and More – IOTW Report

Trump Responds, and More

Has everybody seen the revelation, just announced in the Great State of Georgia, that the Fulton County D.A., Fani Willis, who Criminally Indicted your Favorite President, ME(!), & many other Innocent People/Patriots, HIRED & EXORBITANTLY PAID a “Romantic Partner” to Prosecute the 45th President of the United States of America, & then “financially benefitted from their relationship.” In other words, he was paid a “fortune,” & then took “Beautiful” Fani on expensive, but all paid for by Georgia, vacations to faraway lands!more

8 Comments on Trump Responds, and More

  1. Sadly, no amount of depravity and corruption surprises me anymore. I am sure this will be covered in depth on the nightly news by ABCCBSNBCPBS tonight. As will Lloyd Austin being AWOL.


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