Trump Responds to Jan. 6 Report In Scathing Video Addressed to Democrats – IOTW Report

Trump Responds to Jan. 6 Report In Scathing Video Addressed to Democrats

TownHall: Former President Trump released a video in response to the damning January 6 report attempting to hold him responsible for the protests at Capitol Hill. 

In the video, Trump argued that for two years the “American people have been besieged with lies from the partisan witch hunt known as the Unselect Committee on January 6.”

He claimed that the committee investigating the protests excluded evidence, made false statements, and “did not produce a single shred of evidence” and that he intended to incite violence in the Capitol. 

However, on that day, Trump never once told his supporters to storm the Capitol and wreak havoc. 

Instead, Trump told his supporters “to make their voices heard peacefully and patriotically,” which was omitted by the committee from the evidence. 

In a follow-up tweet, that was also left out of the investigation, Trump told protestors to “go home with love and in peace,” calling for law and order. 

After 18 months into the investigation, the House Select Committee released an 845-page report blaming Trump for the “central cause” of the protests. 

“The events of January 6 were not an insurrection. They were a protest that tragically got out of control, and which the left has been weaponizing ever since, to censor, spy on, and persecute American citizens. The entire phony hoax is about taking away your speech, taking away your vote, and taking away your freedom,” Trump said. MORE

Scathing Report Reveals Nancy Pelosi Was Responsible For Failed Jan. 6 Security Measures

7 Comments on Trump Responds to Jan. 6 Report In Scathing Video Addressed to Democrats

  1. “The committee recommended that Trump be banned from running for president in 2024”
    If they think Trump would definitely lose in 2024, why do they want him off the ballot?
    Why do they FEAR and need to stop him from running again?

    Because if he beats the corruption, they are f^&ked!

    TRUMP2024 – stop getting controlled by the media with the DeSantis bullshit.

  2. “The entire phony hoax is about taking away your speech, taking away your vote, and taking away your freedom,” Trump said.”

    “Every record has been destroyed or falsified. Every book has been rewritten. Every picture has been repainted. Every statue and street building has been renamed’ Every date has been altered. And, that process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except the endless present in which the [DemoRat] party is always right”. – George Orwell

  3. Hey Pinko,
    Don’t forget this . . .

    Good thing it is not the J6 panels choice.
    They can vote til the cows come home and it means nothing.
    They don’t get to decide. Not this Time.
    That’s one Constitutional Law they can’t ignore.
    It’s not their choice.
    It’s Ours.
    And the Times . . .
    They are a Changing.


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