Trump restores bust of Winston Churchill to White House – IOTW Report

Trump restores bust of Winston Churchill to White House

LI: The removal of a bust of Winston Churchill from the White House was one of Obama’s earliest moves to demote the special relationship with Britain. It was symbolic in so many ways, and served as the gateway drug for his world apology tour to follow.

Just as symbolic is that on his first day in office, President Donald J. Trump restored the bust to the White House, as shown in this Tweet from an NBC correspondence:  MORE


18 Comments on Trump restores bust of Winston Churchill to White House

  1. Dishonest media claimed Trump removed MLK bust to put Churchill which is a lie. MLK bust still there.

    Of course, dishonest media had no problem removing white guy to put in black one.

  2. Trump should reverse every executive order and congress should reverse every bill Obama ever signed until all Obama’s records are examined and we learn who Obama was working for.

  3. I posted this article to my FB page. I had read or heard the bust had been moved from the Oval office to somewhere else in the residence and titled it that way. Immediately a lib puts up a link asserting the bust had been moved elsewhere in the residence. Yeah, no shit Sherlock. Then he posts “Let’s not forget Churchill was a racist and and alcoholic. I replied, “Wow, that was a short and lousy summary of a great man’s life.” Then I posted a short Bio of Churchill. On another post, the response to the picture of the limo burning was a vid of “Republicans” burning a cross. I told him Republicans aren’t cross burning racists, called him a jerk and deleted his response. The left is flipping out folks.

  4. That bust is awful. Something that looks like it was put together by a handful of Jane Goodall’s subjects, during an alcohol study, doesn’t measure up. There are wildlife sculptors all over the west who make beautiful and authentic looking bronze statues. Have one of them do Churchill some justice. Replace that horrid piece of junk with REAL art.

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