Trump Retweets Call to Fire Fauci – IOTW Report

Trump Retweets Call to Fire Fauci

GatewayPundit: President Trump retweeted a post Sunday evening that included a call to fire Dr. Anthony Fauci, the controversial member of Trump’s White House coronavirus task force who accused Trump of ignoring his advice to institute social distancing in mid-February in an interview with CNN Sunday morning, saying that lives “could have been saved.” Trump himself did not directly comment on Fauci.

Fauci has served since 1984 as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the NIH.

Later Sunday video from February 29 resurfaced of Fauci on the Today Show telling Americans they did not need to alter their behavior for the COVID-19 Chinese coronavrius.

Trump wrote, “Sorry Fake News, it’s all on tape. I banned China long before people spoke up. Thank you @OANN”, over a tweet by former GOP congressional candidate DeAnna Lorriane that said, “Fauci is now saying that had Trump listened to the medical experts earlier he could’ve saved more lives. Fauci was telling people on February 29th that there was nothing to worry about and it posed no threat to the US public at large. Time to #FireFauci…”. read more

15 Comments on Trump Retweets Call to Fire Fauci

  1. Trump should just start raising the Dias a couple of Inches a Day..

    By the end of the Week, Farcie will be on His Tip Toes trying to

    peer out at the Media.

  2. Since 1984. 36 years feeding off the taxpayers. Fire him and confiscate his home and office computers under seopena. Bet you’ll find some interesting information.

  3. Thirty years sucking at the taxpayer teat and yet we don’t know of any significant accomplishments he made in that long span of time! He certainly didn’t do ‘anything’ to prepare the country for this latest discomfort and has been all over the map on what to do about it!

  4. DJT does not suffer fools but before deep sixing fauxi he has let him run his mouth for weeks. Fauxi has double talked himself into a corner and the american people have his number. ill bet trump is ready to cashier this backstabbing weasel bureaucrat

  5. Fauci was likely coached to criticize Trump so that he would get fired to set up the next round of impeachment hearings. One has to wonder if his actions from the beginning of this crisis were calculated to do the most harm to Trump, regardless of the harm done to the citizens he is paid to protect.


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