Trump retweets, then deletes, white nationalist account – IOTW Report

Trump retweets, then deletes, white nationalist account


Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump on Wednesday retweeted a user named “WhiteGenocideTM” before deleting the message.

donald trumpovitz tweet

“@realDonaldTrump, you always have the best crowds,” the tweet reads. “#MakeAmericaGreatAgain.”

Though deleted, the tweet was preserved by Politwoops and many Twitter users who shared screenshots: more

20 Comments on Trump retweets, then deletes, white nationalist account

  1. So what? The people that would use this against Trump still don’t get why he has the support he has.

    If anyone other than Trump gets the nomination, the third world invasion will continue. If anyone other than Trump gets the nomination, the trade deficits that are killing the middle class will continue. If anyone other than Trump gets the nomination, the neocons will have control over foreign policy.

    I don’t know if Trump can or will fix those problems. I DO know that anyone other than Trump will make them worse. On purpose.

  2. When it is determined that this Tweeter is actually somebody on SPLC’s hate groups list, and not some Sandernista fronting from mom’s basement, call me.

    No, don’t even bother calling me then. I don’t want cold nothingburger leftovers.

  3. Gotcha politics at it’s worst. It would have been a problem if he’d let it stand, right?

    Maybe one of the reasons Trump supporters shrug off so much of this stuff is that it’s a steady stream of low-grade crap every, single day.

    Trump: Secure the southern border (stop illegal invasion of Mexico, Central/South America, Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS), deport illegal aliens who bring disease, drain our tax dollars, increase our prison populations, kill/maim our citizens, plot mass murder of “infidels”, and push to change our system of laws (sharia).

    — Renegotiate U.S. trade agreements to ensure fair trade with countries like China ($365BB trade deficit), stop unfair currency devaluation which increases our trade deficits and prevents U.S. companies from competing in the “global economy.”

    — Rebuild U.S. military in order to wage a real war against a real enemy, ISIS. Articulate clear goals for the security of the U.S. and the defeat of our enemies worldwide.

    — Lower taxes on corporations and allow them to repatriate their capital and companies, slowing the movement of U.S. companies to foreign countries and rebuild U.S. job base.

    I’m not going to worry today about a stupid retweet of a white supremacist organization. Besides, what’s so wrong with it, anyway? Haven’t we seen a few black supremacist actions against whites in the past week — “knock out games”, police deaths? The establishment politicians are schizo. Yesterday they tell us to be against these kinds of things: vote fraud, big media control of elections, the left projecting their own stuff onto conservatives, and today they act just like the left. Now who is being a side-swiping, sucker-punching pussy?

    rant off.

  4. This is the problem with platforms like Twatter. There is so much inane banal chatter that the value of each message ranges from just below to just above zero.
    Anyone who bothers to think about most of what is being said and notice who said it would give up on the process quickly.

  5. The other day Bad_Brad was bashing someone for “writing a book” here defending Cruz. It was only a few paragraphs but whatever. And yet every day we are subjected to War and Peace from Abigail Adams extolling her idol. It’s tiresome to scroll through all if to get to other people’s comments. Also, you Trumpsters win the prize for: 1) the most posts, 2) most use of CAPITALS, bold print and !!!!!exclamation points !!!!eleventy!!!.


  6. riverlife_callie
    I don’t like long posts. If you can’t make your point in a couple sentences you’ve lost me. I’ve come to the conclusion that the Trump/Cruz battle is useless here. The only people I’ve seen change their minds have done it in reaction to something the Cruz camp has done recently and not anything that was typed here. I’m done with the Trump vs Cruz thing.

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