Trump Rips Media ‘Collusion’ Narrative – IOTW Report

Trump Rips Media ‘Collusion’ Narrative

DC: President Donald Trump ripped the media’s “collusion” narrative while speaking to a group of reporters at his New jersey golf club on Thursday.

“We have a situation which is very unusual, everybody said there’s no collusion,” Trump said. “You look at the counsels that come in, we have a senate hearing, we have judiciary, we have intelligence. So we have a House hearing and everyone walks out, even the enemies, they said, ‘no well – there’s no collusion, there’s no collusion. So they’re investigating something that never happened.”  more 

6 Comments on Trump Rips Media ‘Collusion’ Narrative

  1. The left is creating a pressure cooker that’s overdue for a release. They’ll find that it’s not going to work out as they planned. There is a lot of pissed off people across the country and the urge for some revenge is high.

  2. “These allegations are both persistent and disturbing,” the two leaders said in a joint statement. “We have no conclusive evidence of wrongdoing, but the seriousness of the allegations, and the weight of circumstantial information, compel an effort to establish the facts.”

    Tom Foley and George Mitchell speaking about the conspiracy theory that Reagan colluded with the Iranians to hold hostages until he was elected President. Same old lefty game, just modernized for 2016-17.

  3. But, aren’t all investigations about something that never happened? Like Glowbull Warming, and such? Because they never investigate stuff that did happen (think the Clintons…).

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