Trump, Robinson Lead among NC GOP Primary Voters – IOTW Report

Trump, Robinson Lead among NC GOP Primary Voters

With the clock ticking towards the 2024 state primaries in March, the John Locke Foundation conducted a poll of over 700 likely GOP primary voters to see where North Carolinians stand on critical presidential year races.  

The poll found that 55% of likely GOP primary voters in the state would vote for former President Donald Trump if the primary were held today. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis was the second choice with 22% of the vote, followed by former Vice President Mike Pence with 8% and former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley with 5%. 

Trump saw the highest support among young primary voters (18-34) and primary voters above 65, capturing over 60% of voters in those age demographics. In contrast, less than half of voters aged 35-64 supported Trump. 

In a hypothetical primary GOP gubernatorial race, Lt. Governor Mark Robinson was the clear frontrunner with 43% of the vote, followed by former Congressman Mark Walker at 9%, State Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler at 8%, and State Treasurer Dale Folwell at 4%. Many voters, however, are not committed to a candidate for governor, with 42% of women and 31% of men remaining undecided. 

“Mark Robinson’s lead in the gubernatorial race is roughly correlative with his strong name recognition and favorability among likely GOP primary voters,” said John Locke Foundation President Donald Bryson. “However, with over a third of voters still undecided, there is still time for other candidates to make their case to voters over the next 10 months.”  MORE

7 Comments on Trump, Robinson Lead among NC GOP Primary Voters

  1. Speaking of ticking clocks . . .
    They say Kevin McCarthy still supports more money for Ukrainians.

    Hey Kevin: “NO”

    You do not have the CREDITS and your DEBT is TOO HIGH.

    Gotta just SAY NO, Kevin.

  2. Why are we even discussing this? What the deep state wants is what we will get. Can’t we just skip this fanfare with the voting nonsense? Oooohhh, it’s a horse race, Schmedly leads Pokey by three points, and Burblebutt is really sagging! Donate! I promise to still vote… against whomever the deep state puts up, but I understand that means nothing anymore and I’m not even mad about it!

  3. **BREAKING** O/T From MTG:
    A whistleblower has come forward to
    @ChuckGrassley, @RepJamesComer and the @GOPoversight
    Committee to reveal records tying Joe Biden directly to foreign nationals in an alleged pay-for-play scheme to influence policy decisions.

    More to come…

  4. We got it, we got it, we got nothing. Searching to the left,searching to the right, searching through the day, searching through the night. We’re searching. Sounds like a witchhunt. Coming up empty handed will seal their fate as a do nothing House. Laptop Part Deux.

  5. North Carolina Super Majority Republican legislators have created solid conservative laws recently.
    This has given North Carolina GOP voters their confidence back.

    President Trump and NC Lt. Governor Mark Robinson, (soon to be NC Governor) are the perfect duo to encourage Republican and Independent votes for both of them.

    The leftist, lame duck Gov. Roy Cooper is getting his vetoes over ridden and his, Planned Parenthood, LGBTQ etc., BLM activist pals are totally pissed. LOL! They’re powerless for the time being.

    Really should be more comments on this thread of congratulations and accolades for North Carolina GOP legislation, but I’m sensing a lot of jealousy from other commenters living in other states stuck in legislative blue nightmares.

    Come on. Just be happy for NC conservatives living in bliss for now.


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