Trump: Ronna Romney McDaniel for RNC Chair – IOTW Report

Trump: Ronna Romney McDaniel for RNC Chair

TownHall; Gov. Mitt Romney may have been passed over for secretary of state, but at least another member of his family has been chosen a leader in the Republican Party. Donald Trump has reportedly picked Michigan GOP chairwoman, Ronna Romney McDaniel, to lead the Republican national committee. McDaniel is the niece of the 2012 Republican presidential nominee.

Trump’s final decision comes as no surprise to people who have been following the race closely. In what started out as a huge crowd of contenders amidst the jockeying for Trump’s approval, the president-elect narrowed down his list to two choices by the end of the week: Georgia political operative Nick Ayers and Ronna Romney McDaniel. By the end of it, insiders had said Trump was leaning towards McDaniel.

The Trump team had mostly divided into two camps in their quest to influence Trump’s mind. Vice president-elect Mike Pence and Steve Bannon pushed Trump to choose Ayers. The Georgia operative had impressed Pence as he was an aide to him. Incoming senior advisor Steve Bannon also pulled for Ayers – wanting, what he viewed, a political outsider.  more

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