Trump Sanctions Iran’s Metal Exports – IOTW Report

Trump Sanctions Iran’s Metal Exports

Epoch Times: 

The Trump administration sanctioned iron, steel, aluminum, and copper exports from Iran on May 8, choking off Tehran’s second-largest source of revenue.

The White House’s announcement was timed with the one-year anniversary of Trump’s withdrawal from the previous administration’s Iran nuclear deal. Metals make up 10 percent of the Islamic regime’s exports. After the withdrawal, the United States imposed sanctions on Iran’s oil and petrochemical exports, the regime’s top source of revenue.

“Because of our action, the Iranian regime is struggling to fund its campaign of violent terror, as its economy heads into an unprecedented depression, government revenue dries up, and inflation spirals out of control,” Trump said in a statement.

“We are successfully imposing the most powerful maximum pressure campaign ever witnessed, which today’s action will further strengthen.”

Earlier in May, the Trump administration announced that it will not renew waivers it issued to several nations that have depended on Iranian oil, to clamp down completely on the regime’s oil industry. In April, the administration declared Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps a foreign terrorist group.

The United State considers Iran an “outlaw regime,” blaming it for malign activity around the world. Washington accuses Iran’s leaders of being the biggest funders of radical Islamic terrorism.

Trump quit the deal with Iran and several other nations in 2018, saying that the agreement allowed Iran to continue funding terrorism and developing ballistic missiles, among other issues. Israeli intelligence revealed in 2018 that Iran concealed a vast archive of nuclear weapons research in violation of the nuclear deal.

Hours before Trump’s announcement, Iran informed ambassadors from the United Kingdom, France, Germany, China, and Russia of its decision to stop implementing “some commitments” of the Iran deal, officially titled the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).  more here

2 Comments on Trump Sanctions Iran’s Metal Exports

  1. Just bomb them and get it over with

    For the 444 days of our hostages, Beirut, and a whole bunch of other shit.

    Just don’t ask JIMMY CARTER for any suggestions.


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