Trump Savages Sen. Blumenthal For Lying About Fighting In The Vietnam War – IOTW Report

Trump Savages Sen. Blumenthal For Lying About Fighting In The Vietnam War

DC: President Donald Trump shredded Sen. Richard Blumenthal in a series of tweets Thursday morning, after Blumenthal leaked details of a private conversation with Trump’s Supreme Court nominee.

The first 6:57 a.m. EST tweet reads: “Sen.Richard Blumenthal, who never fought in Vietnam when he said for years he had (major lie),now misrepresents what Judge Gorsuch told him?”

The second, sent at 8:19 a.m. EST, reads: “Chris Cuomo, in his interview with Sen. Blumenthal, never asked him about his long-term lie about his brave “service” in Vietnam. FAKE NEWS!”

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20 Comments on Trump Savages Sen. Blumenthal For Lying About Fighting In The Vietnam War

  1. Trump has to fight with both hands and both feet!

    The Democrat party, the complicit lying Media, the all-corrupt federal govt, the world’s anarchist leftists, career bureaucrats latched to Treasury teat, America’s military enemies, the centuries-long blight on humanity know as islam, etc etc, ad in

  2. I remember when this beady eyed little shitweasel was AG running for Senate and was caught lying his ass off. Of course being a fuking democRAT they don’t call it a lie, he “Misspoke”. It’s only a lie if it comes from anyone on the right.

    I think the scum sucker should have been prosecuted for STOLEN VALOR! He lied to gain a position in Govt.

  3. Not everyone here in Connecticut are flamin Libs but we are largely outnumbered. We did manage to get a tie in the state Senate last November.
    Blumenthal married into money and is the fifth wealthiest member of the Senate, a genuine 1%er., Here’s Linda McMahon asking Blumenthal how a job is created. His answer shows just how out of touch he is. What a jerk.

  4. This is a perfect example of why it is fine with me that President Trump has his tweet attacks. There is no way in hell the media will say what Trump is saying. The only way for his message to get out is for him to say it. Keep it coming as far as I’m concerned.

  5. “Trump Savages”? Telling the truth isn’t savaging.
    I can see where Gorsuch would be think President Trump’s criticisms to be “demoralizing”.
    It all depends on who’s ox is getting gored, eh?
    I imagine all the sitting justices were “demoralized” when President O’Baja criticized them all the time.

  6. He’s just what you’d expect to run into at some inner city greyhound bus station restroom. He’s mad at the world cause he was always picked on growing up and wants to get even with the world.

  7. I don’t care what you do behind closed doors- But do not disrespect me or my brothers by saying you fought in Nam when you didn’t. Most of the vets never even speak about the time there-and this guy boasts of it? dip chit!!!!

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