Trump Says AOC Will Challenge Schumer in 2022 Democratic Primary and Win Handily – IOTW Report

Trump Says AOC Will Challenge Schumer in 2022 Democratic Primary and Win Handily

He must be remembering the time when Ocrasio-Cortez publicly said that she and her ‘justice democrats’ were going to scout for a Woke Socialist challenger for Schumer’s seat. I don’t remember Schumer saying anything to her in response. Too sure of himself? Too chicken, perhaps?

PJM: Donald Trump has the unerring instincts of a jungle cat when it comes to sizing up his enemies and attacking their weak points. Those instincts, honed during his years as a real estate operator in New York City, have served him well during his time as president.

There is no one in America better at getting under his opponents’ skin and driving them absolutely up a wall. That’s why Trump trolled Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer in advance of his State of the Union speech tonight by predicting that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez would run against Schumer in the 2022 Democratic primary and “kick his a**.” Keep reading

14 Comments on Trump Says AOC Will Challenge Schumer in 2022 Democratic Primary and Win Handily

  1. AOC, the heartless bitch she is, skipped the State of The Union and spent all night on twitter describing what a piece of shit Rush is. Somebody really needs to relocate this bitch to Venezuela.

  2. @JDHasty…

    “A politicalCinderella story came to a tragic end last night when Alexandria Cortez fell to her death from her apartment balcony while packing for the Democrat convention. Washington Police suspect it was a mugging gone bad.”

  3. I know Trump loves to troll, but there is no way Crazy Eyes-Horsey Teeth would beat Schumer. Look what the DNC is doing to Comrade Sanders. If she runs for Senator from New York, you can expect the full weight of the Demonicrat Party and Wall Street to come down on her ass. Outside of NYC, the little retard has no real support. Then the media will spin it that Donald Trump is a liar and psychologically unstable.

  4. People, it is not funny. DO NOT underestimate the stupidity of the common man/woman. I know I relate too much to the Trudeau thing but he has done severe damage to Canadian unity and our economy in Alberta especially.

    That Little Idiot AOC is much more dangerous than you think. As stupid as she is, she is a relatively high achiever among her contemporaries in age and education.

    There are a bunch of young and old socialists who will vote for her because she is “young and pretty”, their words not mine. Canadians actually thought Turdo was “dreamy” (Pointy nosed bastard! – literally)

    It took Trudeau 8ish years to eventually become the Prime Idiot of Canada.

    This little bucktooth wide eyed idiot AOC has plenty of time to build her base of lemmings, and much of her current stupidity will be forgotten as she learns to be more subtle in order to pretend that she is less radical.

    She is a real danger since a huge amount of Democrats are geriatrics.

    You will be dealing with her for 25 to 30 years. Take Heed.


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