Trump Says COVID Deaths Are Greatly Exaggerated – He Must Be Talking About All of the Poisonings and Shootings They Threw on the List – IOTW Report

Trump Says COVID Deaths Are Greatly Exaggerated – He Must Be Talking About All of the Poisonings and Shootings They Threw on the List


On Sunday morning President Trump posted a tweet on the exaggerated COVID numbers by the CDC in the United States.

President Trump: The number of cases and deaths of the China Virus is far exaggerated in the United States because of CDC’s ridiculous method of determination compared to other countries, many of whom report, purposely, very inaccurately and low. “When in doubt, call it Covid.” Fake News!


11 Comments on Trump Says COVID Deaths Are Greatly Exaggerated – He Must Be Talking About All of the Poisonings and Shootings They Threw on the List

  1. I have an acquaintance that was admitted to the hospital last week. His diagnosis was “Double Pneumonia”. One would think single would be enough to get him admitted. Fat, out of shape guy. Any way when he was discharged his paper work said COVID. Hospitals are getting money for from the FEDS for treating COVID patients so they diagnose COVID every time they think the can get away with it.

  2. I have asked before, What are the chances Demo crat, Social ist, Chi na Loving, Left est, A-holes, would re infect people with COVID? I’d say pretty good.
    They’re willing to burn down the economy, burn down your cities, neighborhood, Churches, worship criminals, let cops die.

    Just imagine if they gain power over all of us.


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