Trump Says He Had ‘Nothing to Do With’ Pence’s Stay at His Resort – IOTW Report

Trump Says He Had ‘Nothing to Do With’ Pence’s Stay at His Resort

Epoch Times;

President Donald Trump said that he wasn’t involved with Vice President Mike Pence’s stay at the Trump resort in Ireland during a recent trip.

“I had nothing to do with the decision of our great @VP Mike Pence to stay overnight at one of the Trump owned resorts in Doonbeg, Ireland,” the president said in a statement on Monday, Sept. 9.

“Mike’s family has lived in Doonbeg for many years, and he thought that during his very busy European visit, he would stop and see his family!”

Trump sent a series of missives on Monday, attacking “the LameStream Media” and calling out CNN and MSNBC by name.

His statement about Pence referred to the vice president staying at Trump’s hotel in Doonbeg when he was on a state visit to Ireland.

Pence told reporters that he was happy to visit Ireland and see family members. “If you have a chance to get to Doonbeg you’ll find it’s a fairly small place and the opportunity to stay at Trump National in Doonbeg, to accommodate the unique footprint that comes with our security detail and other personnel, made it logical,” he added on Sept. 3.

Pence’s chief of staff, Marc Short, told reporters the same day that Pence stayed at the property because of convenience and safety.

“It’s a facility that could accommodate the team,” Short said. “Keep in mind, the Secret Service has protected that facility for [Trump], too, so they sort of know the realities; they know the logistics around that facility.”

He said the president suggested Pence stay there. “It’s like when we went through the trip, it’s like, well, he’s going to Doonbeg because that’s where the Pence family is from,” Short said. “It’s like, ‘Well, you should stay at my place.’”

In a statement issued by Pence’s office after Short’s comments, the office said, “Because of some misreporting, we want to clarify that the decision to stay at Trump National in Doonbeg, Ireland was solely a decision by the Office of the Vice President and was based on the requirement to find accommodations near the Vice President’s ancestral hometown that could satisfy official meetings on both coasts of the Emerald Isle.”

The situation prompted Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), chairman of the House Oversight and Reform Committee chairman, sent letters to the White House, Pence’s office, the Secret Service, and the Trump Organization to try to obtain details about the trip. more here

See Also:

Air Force Orders Review of Travel Procedures After Crew’s Stay at Trump Resort.

The Air Force is conducting a review of its international travel policies after a crew stayed at a resort owned by President Donald Trump, prompting an inquiry by the House Committee on Oversight and Reform.

“Air Force leadership directed Air Mobility Command to review all guidance pertaining to selection of airports and lodging accommodations during international travels … While initial reviews indicate that air crew transiting through Scotland adhered to all guidance and procedures, we understand that U.S. Service members lodging at higher-end accommodations, even if within government rates, might be allowable but not advisable,” Brig. Gen. Edward Thomas, the Air Force’s top spokesman, said in a statement to The Epoch Times.

“Therefore, we are reviewing all associated guidance. Even when USAF aircrews follow all directives and guidance, we must still be considerate of perceptions of not being good stewards of taxpayer funds that might be created through the appearance of air crew staying at such locations.”

The probe was launched after criticism of the Air Force for using Glasgow Prestwick Airport for refueling stops and layovers, and the stay of seven crew members at Trump’s nearby Turnberry golf course and resort in March.

The Air Force stated that the Trump property, at $136 a night, was less expensive than the Marriott property nearby, which would have been $161 a night. Both were under the per diem rate of $166. read more

13 Comments on Trump Says He Had ‘Nothing to Do With’ Pence’s Stay at His Resort

  1. VP Mike Pence’s people come from Doonbeg, Co. Clare, in Ireland. He is well known there and has visited there many times before he ever became Vice President. The media really suck.
    Oh BTW, Trump farted yesterday as he was boarding the helicopter his way to NC to make a great speech. You missed it Lemon.

  2. “. . .per diem rate of $166.”


    The highly trained, intelligent, capable and logical Captain in charge of the aircrews saved U.S. Taxpayers $25 per room per night per Marriotts own site.

    $30 for Deep Thinkers

  3. And where did the president’s and his family’s detail spend their time on all those oblowme vacays to:

    – Martha’s Vineyard
    – Hawaii
    – Spain

    Here’s some news that’s gonna make you sick to read. Under something called “The Former Presidents’ Act”, the Obama’s get $1.5M/year in perpetuity to cover personal travel expenses (not including security).

    Judicial Watch kept track of the Obama’s vacay costs and toted up $85M. But: “Partial records from the Secret Service and the Air Force show that the Obamas’ vacations while in office cost U.S. taxpayers almost $100 million.

    $99,714,527.82, to be exact.”

    Cummings is going to be very sorry he brought up the subject of presidential hotel costs. POTUS Trump probably comp’d Pence the rooms at Doonbeg.

  4. I don’t understand this story. Why does it matter where Pence decided to stay for his trip? Why are the Democrats saying they’re going to investigate Pence for this? I’m not kidding, I seriously don’t understand what the story is about. I keep hearing about it on the news, but it seems so ridiculous to me, that I feel like I must be missing something, am I? What the hell am I missing? Why are the Democrats up in arms about Pence staying at Trump Hotel? I don’t understand.

    All I keep thinking is, don’t the Democrats have any actual work to be doing? WTF!?!

  5. Come on, people! Why are you focusing on such nothingburgers when there is a real conspiracy going on?

    Both the President and Vice President WEAR THE SAME COLOR SHOES!

    Shocking, perverted, impeachable!

    No, wait. I know … Pense had the same thing for dinner that Trump had five weeks ago! Can’t you see how critical that is? Journalists and oversite committees, DO YOUR JOBS and get to the bottom of this!


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