Trump says he will deliver West Point commencement address – IOTW Report

Trump says he will deliver West Point commencement address


President Trump announced that he will deliver the U.S. Military Academy commencement speech next month as both he and his campaign express hope that he can resume campaign rallies ahead of the November election.

The president has left Washington only once during the past month as he took charge of the coronavirus crisis.

His guidelines on social distancing urge people to avoid all but essential travel.

But on Friday, a day after unveiling a road map for states to begin lifting restrictions, he announced he will travel to West Point for the May 23 ceremony.

“I understand they’ll have distancing,” he said. “They’ll have some big distance, so it will be very different than it ever looked.”

“Do I like the look? No, I don’t,” he added. “And eventually, next year, they’ll have a commencement like it’s been.” read more

6 Comments on Trump says he will deliver West Point commencement address

  1. …I guess, but West Point ain’t what it USED to be…×0:767×575/1400×1400/filters:focal(1×0:767×575):format(png)/

    …IDK, maybe the President can Make West Point Great Again, but it’s pretty far down the tubes and he’s got a LOT else on his plate, thanks to treasonous Democrats who STILL have not been reckoned with…

    …anyway, God Bless and protect Donald Trump. God sent him, so he will serve God’s will.

    …I only pray that will doesn’t allow the Democrats to succeed in harming or removing him, as they SURELY indent to continue to try to do…

    1 Timothy 2:1-4
    1 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;

    2 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

    3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;

    4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.”

  2. @SNS – those pics make me want to VOMIT. Yes, I am very familiar with those stories, and ‘that place’.

    Glover you see, helped Kosciusko build the first redoubts and initial forts on orders from, GW and the Continental Congress, 1777-78, as well as getting that dam chain across the river!!,_batteries_et_poste_de_West-Point,_1780_(2674338525)_(cropped).jpg

    We took a ride there about six months ago to go check out Cullum Hall, a magnificent memorial hall with TONS of bronze relief plaques and paintings situated on a bluff overlooking the Hudson. West Point is a perfect place for a fortification of it’s type, okay to @SNS your point maybe WAS.

    But yeah those cadets? How many actually will wash out, hopefully in their case about 100%?!!

    This POTUS can give that address at NO better a time…


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