Trump Says He’ll End Obama-Era Funding To Chinese Lab That May Have Spawned The Coronavirus – IOTW Report

Trump Says He’ll End Obama-Era Funding To Chinese Lab That May Have Spawned The Coronavirus

Daily Caller: President Donald Trump said Friday he will end federal funding for the Wuhan Institute of Virology that some are claiming spawned the coronavirus.

At the daily coronavirus task force news conference, the president was asked why the National Institutes of Health would include the Chinese laboratory in a $3.7 million dollar stipend to conduct research.

“The Obama administration gave them a grant of $3.7 million. I’ve been hearing about that. We’ve instructed that if any grants are going to that area, we are looking at it literally about an hour ago and also early in the morning,” Trump said. read more

12 Comments on Trump Says He’ll End Obama-Era Funding To Chinese Lab That May Have Spawned The Coronavirus

  1. Doesn’t Trump realize that hundreds of innocent Chinese citizens will go hungry if they don’t have access to their Bat Soup? What’s next, forced abortions to help the ChiComs enforce their one Bat Soup Slurping Child Policy?

  2. Sure you can trust the Chinese, lets send them more money so they can finish up fine tuning a bio-weapon they’ll turn on us. Did anyone stop to wonder why they’re interested in tweaking a virus?? Tax dollars given away to help kill taxpayers, its not like shooting your self in the foot, its like shooting yourself in the head.

  3. RACIST!

    That’s what democrats will claim is the case by diverting tax dollars away from a communist country developing viruses that will eliminate U.S. citizens and cripple our economy.

  4. And if they aren’t already doing this: go through every single university and lab, audit every so-called “joint research” project (all projects, not just medical research) that these places have with China and end them.

    You all probably read in the past week about how China applied for a patent to Redesivir (or however it’s spelled), only it wasn’t Redesivir — they tried to patent the reverse-engineered (stolen) drug under a different name.

    It begs the question, doesn’t it? How does a communist country compete in the world market place when it has been shut off from the world of discovery and the free and equal sharing of that discovery for most of the 20th century? Easy! They steal the end product. What they can’t get away with stealing, they send their best and brightest to infiltrate U.S. research under the guise of scholarship and for the heuristic sake of furthering science for “the sake of humanity.” Except it isn’t for the sake of humanity, it’s for the sake of China. No different than Germans and Russians stealing nuclear secrets.

    Can you believe this? American presidents and the congress crawling over each other to give away our money and our scientific discoveries to a communist regime! National security be damned!

  5. It’s just amazing that after close to 4 years of Trump cleaning up after that halfwit Obama there’s twenty years worth of mess still to do. Meanwhile the jackass is still out there with his snotty nose in the air popping off about this administration.


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