Trump Says He’s Suing ‘Multiple People’ for Violating Confidentiality Agreements – IOTW Report

Trump Says He’s Suing ‘Multiple People’ for Violating Confidentiality Agreements

Epoch Times:

President Donald Trump said he’s filed a lawsuit against former White House staffer Omarosa Manigault Newman for violating her confidentiality agreement. He also said he’s filed suits against “various people” for violating their non-disclosure agreements.

Trump said Manigault Newman, who served as the White House communications director of the Office of Public Liaison, used her time in the White House to get “some cheap money from a book.”

“I gave her every break, despite the fact that she was despised by everyone, and she went for some cheap money from a book,” he wrote on Twitter on Aug. 31. keep reading

11 Comments on Trump Says He’s Suing ‘Multiple People’ for Violating Confidentiality Agreements

  1. I am available, Mr. President. My only flaws might be my horrible potty mouth and my aversion to wading into the swamp. Ask Cuccinelli. He knows of my shortcomings. Although I consider them strengths.

  2. Here’s am man who for years has being saying that the United States of America are being ripped off.He said it on the Oprah Show back in 1986, and various other shows on television for years. He always felt that America was being ripped off by the Chinese, the japanese, the Europeans, and NATO. He didn’t mention corrupt American politicians of both parties. But he did mention stupid American politicians.
    So Donald Trump gave up a lucrative, opulent life to run for President. He didn’t have to. Look at the others who wanted to run America. John McCain, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Alfred Newman, Walter Mitty. I mean WTF?
    So the Donald announced his run. All hell broke lose.
    Don’t believe me? So called Conservative Republican magazine, National Review came out with a whole edition

    bashing Trump. The now defunct “Weekly Standard” and their fat assed publisher Bill Kristol are out of businness
    I’m a Trumper true and true. And we will win. MAGS
    I admire that man more than any other today.

  3. Do not forget that President Trump is working for free…. from Day 1. His campaign in 2016 was also self-financed.

    President Trump believes in this country, in our great and glorious history, and an even greater future.


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