Trump Scores Another Victory As Dem Impeachment Efforts Fizzle – IOTW Report

Trump Scores Another Victory As Dem Impeachment Efforts Fizzle

While Democrats were wasting their time last week in impeachment hearings where everyone denied the quid pro quo they’re looking for, President Donald Trump scored another victory in the courts.

According to the Daily Signal:

As the House engaged in partisan bickering, the Senate voted to confirm Barbara Lagoa to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit in Atlanta on a bipartisan vote of 80 to 15 on Wednesday. The circuit—which handles cases out of Alabama, Florida, and Georgia—now has a 7-to-5 majority of Republican appointees. MORE

10 Comments on Trump Scores Another Victory As Dem Impeachment Efforts Fizzle

  1. Oh!
    Just had a thought!
    (yeah, I’m entitled to ONE)

    After listening to Mad Max Waters, it isn’t “Quid Pro Quo” but “Squid Pro Sciutto!”

    Adam Schitt got all confused and shot off like a brainless SCUD and wrought destruction on his own fascist party. Poor old Nattering Nancy is so verklempt by her continuing series of Petit Mals that she couldn’t articulate her opposition – she keeps staring, mumbling, and waving away imaginary butterflies.

    Some things are obvious.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Just because a judge is a Republican appointee, doesn’t mean that they’re conservative. Look at most of the Bush appointee judges.
    Even Kavanaugh is looking like a toss-up at the moment.

    Deeds, not words.

    Yer Honor, I rest my case.

  3. Yes this is great news, BUT…

    Courts are supposed to rule base on the Constitution as the Supreme Law of the Land. Instead the make shit up and call it precedent, and use that instead. Whatever we put in place today, the left will take out tomorrow.

    That is not justice, or even law. It is the essence of Tyranny.

    Sotomayor illustrated it perfectly when she remarked about the DACA ruling that “first we must analyze the effect this will have on society.” EXACTLY WRONG. First you must determine where in the Constitution the law was legal in the first place (it wasn’t, since it was an executive order from obama).

    Until the ‘court’ stops issuing rulings willy nilly, or we overthrow them and stop it ourselves, our nation, or what’s left of it, will remain in chaos so long as it survives.


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