Trump scores legal victories in two New York lawsuits – IOTW Report

Trump scores legal victories in two New York lawsuits

Post Millennial:

A Manahattan judged dismissed a lawsuit with prejudice against former President Donald Trump filed by former “Apprentice” star Summer Zervos.

Zervos accused Trump of groping and kissing her without consent while she was a contestant on the reality show back in 2007.  The suit, filed in 2016, was dropped because Zervos walked back her claims.

In another New York courtroom, a separate lawsuit involving the former commander-in-chief filed by his former attorney Michael Cohen to recupe past legal fees was also dismissed, earning Trump another legal win.

A spokesperson for the Trump organization lauded the dismissal, accusing Cohen of trying to enrich himself based off his association with the 45th president. more here

2 Comments on Trump scores legal victories in two New York lawsuits

  1. I so miss winning at every turn.
    I have not given up hope,this nightmare will end at some point,how it ends only God knows.
    Do NOT give up, keep fighting and be of good cheer.
    We will win in the end.
    P.S. FGB

  2. Hard not to miss those great times, the contrast is huuuuuge.
    To go from always winning to always losing, diligently wroking to find the loss in all things.

    Easy to see why even young schoolchildren embraced FJB, kids are not dumb.


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