Trump Sees No Role for U.S. in Stabilizing Libya – IOTW Report

Trump Sees No Role for U.S. in Stabilizing Libya

( – President Donald Trump said Thursday that he does not see the U.S. playing a role in helping to stabilize Libya, because the U.S. has enough roles right now.

“I do not see a role in Libya. I think the United States has right now enough roles. We’re in a role everywhere, so I do not see that,” Trump said when asked if he sees a role for his administration in helping to stabilize Libya and if stabilizing Libya means combating terrorism and ISIS

“I do see a role in getting rid of ISIS. We’re being very effective in that regard. We are doing a job, with respect to ISIS, that has not been done anywhere near the numbers that we’re producing right now. It’s a very effective force we have. We have no choice. It’s a horrible thing to say, but we have no choice,” the president said in a joint press conference with Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni at the White House.

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12 Comments on Trump Sees No Role for U.S. in Stabilizing Libya

  1. Libya is Hillary Clinton’s greatest monument to her fabulous career as Secretary of State. Remember her own words: “We came, we saw, and he died!” How about: ” We interfered, we lied, and four Americans died!” As hundreds of thousands of third world invaders are overwhelming Europe from Libyan ports controlled by opponents of the “Government” in Tripoli, Italy is looking to America for help in cleaning up Clinton’s disaster. Our only role in this catastrophe should be encouraging Europeans to save themselves from becoming a third world dumping ground.

  2. Libya is all on hilLIARy and obozo. They own it. What a disaster those two morons have been for our country. Libya is Libya, leave it alone, hilLIARy and obozo have done enough damage to the place to last a lifetime. Including several dead Americans who they left out to dry, and for which those two should be behind bars.

  3. If anyone has a vested interest in stabilizing Libya, it’s the European Union.
    Instead of accepting a hundred thousand refugees per month, why don’t they try to fix the root cause of the crisis. And they have culpability for the Libya disaster too, along with OShithead and Witchary.

  4. Trump ought to grab Obama, Rice and Clinton, give them shovels and parachute them into Libya and tell them to clean up their mess. It’s amazing how Libyan has been pushed off the pages of the press now that it’s becoming clear how much of a disaster that place has become. Gee, I wonder if it’s because it’s so completely tied to Obama.

  5. @scr_north April 23, 2017 at 6:11 pm

    It didn’t turn out well. But there are no future guarantees. You have to play the odds. The United States has generations of history, successfully destroying foreign governments, and not occupying the entire country as a colonial outpost, with generally good, sometimes outstanding, results. Look at almost anywhere in South America, Central America, much of the Caribbean, bits of Africa, the “Near” East. Even those countries that America merely starved the government out via economic siege, like a few famous regime changes in Africa, worked out pretty well. Who could, possibly, have expected Ira…, I mean Libya, to go sideways?

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