Trump Set To Weaken Obama-Era Methane Rules – IOTW Report

Trump Set To Weaken Obama-Era Methane Rules

DC: The Trump administration is trying for the third time this year to weaken environmental rules his predecessor crafted to regulate methane emissions, The New York Times reported Monday.

The EPA will soon make public plans to lessening the impact of a rule requiring companies to monitor and repair methane leaks, according to documents cited in the report. The Interior Department will also release a final version of a draft rule repealing a restriction on the venting and “flaring” of methane.

Former agency officials criticized the mood. “They’re taking them down, one by one,” =top climate and clean-air regulator during the Obama administration, told reporters. Methane is more than 25 times more effective than carbon dioxide at trapping heat in the atmosphere, despite making up only nine percent of all greenhouse gasses.

Energy analysts, meanwhile, praised the rule.  more here

8 Comments on Trump Set To Weaken Obama-Era Methane Rules

  1. So methane is supposedly 9 times worse than carbon dioxide as a “greenhouse gas” but Obama rules forbid “flaring” which i assume means to burn it off. The bi-products burning methane is water and carbon dioxide. So flaring is 9 x better than just releasing methane. Typical stupid anti-science leftists.

  2. The enviro-whack jobs who like the current rules and really want lower methane emissions ought to lead the way with an effective methane emission reduction technology put into action by them selves.

    They should install solar powered methane detectors with automatic spark igniters in the seat of their pants. They could call it the “Rocketman Methane Emissions Reducer”. The RMER , pronounced Reamer. And market it as product that in addition to reducing methane emissions will also make it easier, lower cost way, for all of us to buy grass fed ; beef, milk, butter, poultry, eggs, and other produce.


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