Trump Shrugs Off Occasional-Cortex Criticism: ‘Who Cares?’ – IOTW Report

Trump Shrugs Off Occasional-Cortex Criticism: ‘Who Cares?’

“Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez has called you a racist,” a reporter shouted from the media scrum.

“Who did?” Trump asked.

“Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez,” the reporter repeated.

“Who cares?” Trump asked with a dismissive wave of his hand.  – Watch

26 Comments on Trump Shrugs Off Occasional-Cortex Criticism: ‘Who Cares?’

  1. …it’d be a shorter list to say who she did NOT call racist. Pretty meaningless at this point, especially from her. President’s response absolutely correct.

    …now watch the ‘splodey heads ‘splode again in inchoate wrath…

  2. Democrats took the “first black president” as meaning, the “last white republican president.” A future white democrat in office is okay though because that’s a whitey championing for “legitimate” causes. It works the same way with age and sex also. Dripping with hypocrisy.

  3. Don’t discount this turd. Bernie would’ve won except for crooked hillary’s cheating. She will be the next teddy kennedy. Mark my words, you discount her at your own peril.

  4. AOC is a rising star of the left, and represents (to at least some degree) what all of them think and stand for.

    Even those on the left who pretend to criticize her in public are actually on her side in private, along with a large number of those claiming to be on the right who are actually glad to see her in power so they can focus their critics on someone other than themselves.

  5. She’s a simple minded little twit who hopes people will form a national movement behind her. Her over active ego has convinced her she’s a world class leader and will rise to the very top of political power in the country.
    As far as worrying about her achieving that status it’s nothing I’ll lose any sleep over, she’s just to stupid.

  6. @ MJA JANUARY 14, 2019 AT 1:33 PM

    Let her. Trump will take that ball and run with it too, her giving him an opening just allows him to keep pointing out that she is a legend in her own mind. Her best advice would be to keep her head down and her mouth shut

    Sure, politics ain’t bean bag. ‘Tis a man’s game, an’ women, childer, cripples an’ prohybitionists ‘d do well to keep out iv it.”

  7. @Bad_Brad January 14, 2019 at 1:10 pm

    > Deep thoughts…

    Damn it, @Bad_Brad! Now every time you post, the voices in my head are gonna have Jonathan Goldsmith read your stuff!

  8. @A.Moose January 14, 2019 at 1:32 pm

    > She will be the next teddy kennedy. Mark my words, you discount her at your own peril.

    So, she’s covering the rent driving for Lyft?

  9. Had we waved off and said who cares to everyone who accused regular people of false racism, we would have never had a 2nd 0bama term. Trump is right to eye roll racism comments. She just accused CBS of racism, too. LOL! She has never offered proof of any racism about anyone.
    Eventually, the House members will have to take her out of her misery. She’s an embarrassment to the people who still have the capability to be embarrassed.

  10. Hey Gin Blossom,
    You wrote, “She’s a simple minded little twit who hopes people will form a national movement behind her. Her over active ego has convinced her she’s a world class leader and will rise to the very top of political power in the country.”
    What a perfect description of ole sparkly socks Justin of the north!

  11. I hope she goes on a twitter rampage and Trump takes her on. It’s time somebody in power takes on the “racist” tag and empties it of it’s power. If Trump can make tag useless it will empower a lot of ordinary citizens to fight back and not be cowed by these progressive slugs of all colors.


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