Trump Shuns Press Conference, Celebrates Successful Foreign Trip with American Troops – IOTW Report

Trump Shuns Press Conference, Celebrates Successful Foreign Trip with American Troops



President Donald Trump ignored the custom of holding a press conference to conclude his trip abroad, choosing, instead, to celebrate his successful trip with a speech to the troops.

“I think we hit a home run no matter where we are,” Trump said as he spoke to members of the military at a Naval Air Station in Sigonella, Italy, celebrating his first trip overseas as president. “I can think of no better way to conclude our first foreign trip than to spend the time with you right here.”

Trump indicated that his biggest goal of the trip was to rally the world against radical Islamic terrorism.

“We traveled the world to form a partnership among nations devoted to the tasks of eradicating terrorism that plagues our planet,” he said.


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11 Comments on Trump Shuns Press Conference, Celebrates Successful Foreign Trip with American Troops

  1. I have even more respect for him than before. The press would only try and attack President Trump, so why waste precious time answering their stupid attacks?! His time was much better spent being supportive of our troops.

  2. Phuck the press, they would only snipe him on the out take.

    I love the new focus on Kushner, they think they have blood.

    Moron sodomite media being driven by a pissed off soros? Same shit
    as happening to Faux News?


    Shows the world who is more important. Our people. Our people. Our people.

    By this action i would say he wont sign that Paris Glowbull Warming agreement too. Usa and its people FIRST. Europe a distant third.

  4. Good for you Mr. President. We “common folk” love you more and more every day. Break their nuts every day until they show some respect for us and stop lying to us.

  5. I love that in every photo showing the Trumps, but especially Melania, standing with a group of our troops, the guys are standing up straight and just beaming! They sure didn’t do that with 0bama or Moose. We have a real president and a first lady to be proud of. MAGA.

  6. I watched the whole speech, it was upbeat, patriotic, with many phrases in support of the troops and their families, “we” was the most common pronoun. He never praised himself, or put down the USA or Christians like you-know-who

    NPR reported it as a rambling disorganized speech.

    I listen to the enemy so you don’t have to.

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