Trump signs executive order for “extreme vetting” to “keep radical Islamic terrorists out of the USA” – IOTW Report

Trump signs executive order for “extreme vetting” to “keep radical Islamic terrorists out of the USA”

Jihad Watch: It is not yet clear whether the signed text is the same, or how it differs, but a published draft of the executive order “Protecting the Nation from Terrorist Attacks by Foreign Nationals” stated:

In order to protect Americans, we must ensure that those admitted to this country do not bear hostile attitudes toward our country and its founding principles. We cannot, and should not, admit into our country those who do not support the U.S. Constitution, or those who would place violent religious edicts over American law. In addition, the United States should not admit those who engage in acts of bigotry and hatred (including “honor” killings, other forms of violence against women, or the persecution of those who practice other religions) or those who would oppress members of one race, one gender, or sexual orientation.

Will officials try to vet for Sharia supremacism and support for honor killings, dhimmitude, and Sharia oppression of women? It will be interesting to see how that will be done.  more


See also:

Trump says Syrian Christian refugees will be given priority

10 Comments on Trump signs executive order for “extreme vetting” to “keep radical Islamic terrorists out of the USA”

  1. Obummer wouldn’t say Islamic Terrorist. Trump will and adds on Sneaky Rats. What’s not to like about that? A Leader who knows what our enemies are and who they are. Rat People with nasty rat minds.

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