Trump signs executive order to strip social media giants’ legal exemptions, claiming political bias – IOTW Report

Trump signs executive order to strip social media giants’ legal exemptions, claiming political bias

Just The News: President Trump on Thursday signed an executive order seeking to punish tech giants for what he claims is politically motivated bias that restricts freedom of speech.

The order targets tech firms such as Facebook, Google, and Twitter by questioning protections the firms currently enjoy shielding their social media platforms from liability over user-generated content.

The order asks the Federal Communications Commission to examine regulations under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act — to look at whether technology platforms’ actions to remove, edit or supplement users’ content should mean they relinquish their exemption from liability.

“We’re here today to defend free speech from one of the greatest dangers,” Trump said, referring to a tech “monopoly” that has “had unchecked power” to censor and restrict human interaction.

“We can’t allow that to happen,” he said, arguing tech companies have “points of view.”

Joined by Attorney General William Barr in the Oval Office, Trump said Democrats are also saying that “this is about time something is done.” more here

17 Comments on Trump signs executive order to strip social media giants’ legal exemptions, claiming political bias

  1. “Seeking to punish…”? Nope.
    To me it looks like he was requiring the liars to follow the 1996 rules that keep them safe from being sued.
    They changed to publishing, censoring and editorializing.
    That is lawsuit territory.

  2. Like I have been saying. Be patient, his sense of timing is almost perfect.

    Look for more of these type of Executive Orders as we close in on November. They will send the leftist activists into their normal mode of screaming at the moon and that is exacting the optics the Democrats don’t need going into an election.

    It is a great time to put the radical left in front of cameras defending transgender vs people born female in sports etc.

  3. This is going to become a large campaign issue. We were warned over a year ago from insiders that Google, Twitter and Facebook would do this. Zuckerburg is trying to back peddle now, sounding like he’s all for free speech.

  4. Why aren’t they “common carriers?”
    Should be able to ban the seven bad words; but not thought, not ideas, not opinions, not concepts, not “political deviation.”

    Kinda weird – they pretend to be “neutral” and we pretend not to notice that they’re blatantly politically partisan – and hard-core Anti-American, at that!

    Sorta like the Kulaks believing they were being “re-located” to Siberia for “farm projects.”
    Everybody just keeps pretending.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Oh! This morning on the TV somebody said that they were “private corporations” which is bullshit – they’ve sold stock – they are “publicly owned.”

    Why haven’t some of their conservative stockholders sued the shit out of them?

    Unless conservatives ain’t got the money … seems like all the billionaires are nihilistic socialists.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Just a few years ago a lot of people here were defending them as private companies when just a few of us were calling for regulation. I wish I’d kept a list of names.

  7. i too wish you had kept a list………… i have been here for a number of years and there are periods when i was not, like when my bride was sick…. that is done but i have been here relatively regularly and have NOT seen a regular commentor HERE defend these pricks. we don’t need more regulation, we simply need to enforce existing law..


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