Trump Signs Order Requiring Classical Architecture for Federal Buildings – IOTW Report

Trump Signs Order Requiring Classical Architecture for Federal Buildings


President Donald Trump signed an executive order Monday requiring federal buildings be constructed in the style of American classical architectural codes.

Following decades of modernist, brutalist, and deconstructivist designs for federal buildings, Trump has issued an order that will return federal architecture to its original ethos of classical, Neoclassical, Art Deco, Georgian, Greek Revival, and Beaux-Arts that was preferred by many of the Founding Fathers.

“[Notable Founding Fathers] wanted America’s public buildings to inspire the American people and encourage civic virtue,” the order states. “President George Washington and Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson consciously modeled the most important buildings in Washington, D.C., on the classical architecture of ancient Athens and Rome. They sought to use classical architecture to visually connect our contemporary Republic with the antecedents of democracy in classical antiquity, reminding citizens not only of their rights but also their responsibilities in maintaining and perpetuating its institutions.”

“Under the direction and following the vision of these two founders, Pierre Charles L’Enfant designed the Nation’s capital as a classical city,” the order continues. “The promise of his design for the city was fulfilled by the 1902 McMillan Plan, which created the National Mall and the Monumental Core as we know them.” read more

11 Comments on Trump Signs Order Requiring Classical Architecture for Federal Buildings

  1. Move on to the Frances Perkins Dept of Labor building.
    Make it a work day and provide no warning prior to explosives being detonated. We might get 15% of those motherfuckers.

    Then abolish FDR’s agency altogether.


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