Breitbart: HANAHAN, South Carolina — 2016 GOP presidential frontrunner Donald J. Trump tells reporters here that his pledge to support the eventual GOP nominee is now void because the Republican National Committee, along with local and state GOP factions, is stacking debate audiences with donor class officials.
“The RNC is in default,” Trump said at the press conference. “Just so you understand, the RNC is in default. When somebody is in default, that means the other side can do what they have to do. The RNC is in default.”
Trump’s point is that the RNC has defaulted—through its actions against his candidacy—on the pledge he signed earlier in the cycle, and his point is that because they have defaulted he can do whatever he wants. Trump is signaling he may not support the eventual GOP nominee in 2016 if that nominee is not him. MORE
h/t JohnC
He’s right.
Sorry but Trump’s antics are making an establishment republican a more viable option.
Say it aint so?
It is, and you Trump acolytes know it well.
Trump is Mount Vesuvius of bullshit democrat bile.
He will NOT build a wall.
Loco, have you or any of the other Cruz enthusiasts ever just listened to one of Trump’s press conferences? Or read what he stands for and not media’s interpretation of what he stands for?
Standing up for oneself in an agreement isn’t an antic. It’s called not putting up with b.s. and dismantling the ruling class be it dem or RINO.
Recently I blew the mind of a SC money person when I said I was for Trump. That person was for the Rube. Very interesting conversation.
Sorry, I forgot to put something after the link.
Let’s get it on. Fuck the GOP, Trumps right. Except he will not need to run as a third party and he knows that. The DNC, oops, I mean the RNC should check the Fing polls once in a while.
Plain Jane, I was for Trump until he bought the rights to the Jonestown Kool-aide.
Seriously, I am no rube or spring chicken.
Wisdom comes with age and I have figured out who is pissing on my shoes and telling me its raining.
Trump is an alchemist. A snake-oil salesman.
I would wager all my savings that if he gets in there will NOT be a wall built on the Southern border.
I cannot trust this man.
I am not alone.
You think that thousands of conservative publications are stupid or naive?
Dave Blount from Moonbattery is one of my favorite bloggers.
Sharp as a tack. Has no agenda. Calls a spade a spade.
That site, like this one is not anti-Trump. It wants facts and what is best for the USA.
I don’t enjoy arguing with others, just curious why they ignore the countless daily eruption of red flags.
Loco, I was Cruz before I became Trump. I have my questions about Trump’s statements sometimes, and sometimes what he says makes me queasy, but since I figured out how he thinks, I believe he can get done what he says he can get done.
I’ve been a boots on the ground pro-life warrior for 4 decades and I’ve been waiting and praying that those who promised to get stop abortion, would do it. They didn’t. The GOP is just as entrenched in it and other criminal deeds against the people as the Dems. That is just one of the things I’m p-o’d about. I do not believe any politician any more. It’s time for a business man to take the reins.
We need a third party, and that third party is right here in the person of Trump. I want someone who has the skills to help the American economy. Once that happens, other things fall into place.
I was a young mom when the feminazis tried to push through the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). Phyllis Schlafly drove it under. I’ve been a fan of hers since then, and she has endorsed Trump. She is a wise old gal.
the wall isn’t really the problem. We have an executive branch that refuses to enforce immigration as written. period. If we can get Cruz or Trump we will get enforcement. Immigration is the big problem, but Trump is still a liberal. He wants to do a “deal” with Democrats. F that. We need somebody that will “defeat” them.
jpm, I’m afraid with the disposition that Cruz conveys, we will constantly hit a wall with the dems when he trys to enforce the existing immigration laws. Worse yet, I don’t believe he wants to enforce those laws, when you look at where his money is coming from.
Jane, Nobody shines a big ass light on the problem like Trump. If Trumps got individuals blocking legislation you can believe every one will know who, what, and where. I pity the fool who would buck a Trump administration.
Besides knowing the man is and has lied on every topic he says he now supports, Every time I hear that nut case talk it is like listening to that spoiled and petulant little child everyone knows when things do not go exactly how you like.
true liberty, why are you talking about Hitlery.? This is aboit uTromp.
Anonymous, I can understand how you are confused since when you get past all the lies of the clown Trumpster they are pretty much the same kind of people.
Trump lost me with his 911 truther bullshit.
“…just curious why they ignore the countless daily eruption of red flags.”
What you see as “red flags” I/we know are either distractions or tools consciously used to win.
What I see in Cruz is a fundamental, existential danger. While so many are all so riled up about illegal immigration (and immigration of the wrong – eg muzzie – people) as an internal threat, few look to the external threat to America as a sovereign nation. Look at the Trans Pacific Trade Deal. Worried about 2A? Want some international body decide whether it’s in the best interests of humanity? Or…just decide whether your apples may be sold overseas or not? THAT’S the threat from “outside.” And, it won’t take generations, like immigration births.
It’s just more “plausible deniability” to be able to say “I wish I could do something about it, but that’s what the (World) Courts decided.” And then do his copyrighted “wince”. I DON’T BUY THE CHARLATAN.
It’s easy to appear noble when you know your cause has no chance of winning in the first place.
Set aside Cruz’s preacher schtick. That’s as much “decoration” as Trump’s boisterous outbursts. Yet, if you’re religious in that direction, THAT should concern you as well.
BOTH are an “unknown” in my book. I’ll take the one who has actually won in doing what he has done.
If you like the foaming at the mouth ANTI-TRUMP moonbattery (don’t DARE compare it to here as “balanced”!), you’ll *love* reaganite republican these days. BOTH totally deteriorated into mush.
TO Davy
You are ingoring that SC is an Open Primary state, where one can get votes from Democrats and Independents.
But maybe you don’t realize you need to GET votes to win an election….
TO jpm
“Trump is still a liberal. He wants to do a “deal” with Democrats.”
Of the two, CRUZ has repeatedly talked about working with the Dems, bipartisan this and that, and such.
NOT Trump.
YOU, as with trolls like boom and true liberty [sic] SPREAD LIES HERE and WILL BE CALLED OUT FOR THE FILTH YOU ARE.
Trump is a KOOK!
boom, do you get paid for providing each anti-Trump link?
You should consider asking for a package deal.
@Czar of Defenestration
Well stated! That’s exactly how I see it, and he will pick up (D) votes. I understand his thinking.
I get tired of people too lazy to take the time to to research Trump’s positions. It isn’t that hard to go to a website. I suspect they don’t want to know. They are content to be spoon-fed by the MSM.
You can find videos of Trump from 30 years espousing the same views as he is today. Is he Liberal? Maybe on some issues, but people evolve as they age.Being a lib when your wealthy is easy. You aren’t affected by the policies like us little people.
Anyways, I don’t give a fuck if he is. The fate of this country isn’t going to be decided on social issues this year.
Please tell me what have “conservative politicians” done for us since 1988.
What Loco, JPM and Liberty don’t get is everyone’s trying to distract our attention from the existential issue of 2016 – either we have a country with individual freedom or we don’t. Only Trump is forcing that issue front and center every single day. Only Trump has promised to do all the things we must do to survive as the USA we of the constitution: build a wall to secure our borders, deport illegals, put Americans first, return jobs to this country which developed the technology and markets, strengthen our military, take care of our vets and abolish Obamacare.
Cruz, while knowledgeable about the Constitution says nothing about deporting illegals and went on record supporting a 500% increase in H1B visas while helping Corker write the legislation that reduced approval of Obama’s trade bills from 3/5 to simple majority.
In other words, even Cruz’s love for the Constitution takes a back seat to his donor’s instructions.
With Scalia gone, we have even more reason to take back our Presidency and Legislature from the donor class. Otherwise, they have all 3 branches and we’re all government slaves.
Czar of Defenestration, no lies it’s all very clear who the slime bag Trumpster is. But if this was a plan to divide the conservatives and have other conservatives do direct attacks with people that have very similar beliefs it is a success. This split has just given the election to Hillary or Bernie because once again millions will stay home. Rather see a fast collapse with Hillary then have it happen with the Trumpster and ruin the conservative name for decades to come.
LocoBlanco: You’re absolutely right – Trump will not build a Wall. But then again, neither will anyone else, regardless of what they might say, or who gets elected.
TO TL [sic]
*Thanks* (/s) for admitting that YOUR ROLE
if (read: WHEN) Donald Trump is nominated.
pageoturner, lot to agree with if you just reverse those people. Trump is nothing he claims to be besides just plain out not a good man in business or his private life. I’d be a hypocrite conservative to vote for that kind of immortality after decades of hitting the Clinton’s and Obama being the very same kind of slime.
Czar of Defenestration, I see you no less responsible for the divide picking a man that is nothing he says he is out of blue.
TO TL [sic]
“Rather see a fast collapse with Hillary then have it happen with the Trumpster and ruin the conservative name for decades to come.”
YOUR WORDS. Not mine.
The GOPe and frauds on the Right have LOOOONG AGO “ruined the conservative name”…whatever it means today.
Your faux principled stand exposes your sanctimony.
Maybe his “third party” will be a big tent (with “Trump” emblazoned on the top) that includes Code Pink;
Code Pink co-founder Medea Benjamin said in an email to the Huffington Post that she “loved” the debate.
“It felt surreal to hear Donald Trump, the leading Republican contender for President, saying what we at CODEPINK have been shouting to the winds for 14 years now: that Bush and his cronies lied about WMDs, that the Iraq war was catastrophic, and that Bush never ‘kept us safe’ because 9/11 happened on his watch.”
Benjamin said that she also agrees with Trump that the war wasted money that could have been used to rebuild the country’s infrastructure — a theme the group uses in a campaign called “Bring our war dollars home.”
“It was wild,” she said.
{end quote}
It’s fun watching Trump supporters carry his water….
Woody, it’s also fun to watch Cruz supporters use GOP Establishment talking points.
True Liberty please provide your qualifications to know what is in another person’s mind and predict their future actions.
Maybe Trump WON’T do what he promises. In that case we’re no worse off because NONE of the politicians have done what they promised for the past 30 years.
On the other hand, if he DOES do what he promised we win BIG.
I happen to believe that Trump’s ego is so big he will not want to go in the history books as the guy who broke all his promises. I believe his ego wants to leave a legacy of being the guy who saved America and made it great again.
He’s the only one with upside in this race and no downside.
February 16, 2016 at 7:36 am
Trump is a KOOK!
Trump is rich and smart. You don’t get to be rich and smart by being a kook. I’m voting for Trump and I meet people every day who are going to vote for him as well. Go Trump!
Oh lookey here, Trump maintains lead in SC poll. Look where Jebbie is! LOL!
Czar of Defenestration, don’t act like a liberal and make sure when you quote someone you include full quotes. Then yes it is my words I stand by.
No they ruined the republican name, but don’t you worry Trump will finish off the conservative movement also.
If anyone wonders why Trump and his supporters focus so heavily on Cruz rather than the establishment republicans, it is because the only way Trump will bring over any the HUGE majority of republican voters that don’t approve of him is to make the contest between him and somebody the R voters can’t stand.
Otherwise he will be facing someone that polls higher than him.
Just combine Cruz and Rubio, and Trump is toast. Anyone who thinks Rubio supporters will go to Trump is delusional.
By the way, Trump has created this situation through statements by him and his supporters that are derogatory toward those supporters. Trump and his followers don’t want them, don’t like them, and will probably punish them if he is elected. If he doesn’t sue them first.
pageoturner, I don’t need to have any qualifications to know what is in his head. His recent actions and past tell me the nut case he is.
TO TL [sic: TROLL]
Oh…the good ol’ Democrat
Grow up, loser.
TO JohnS
“Anyone who thinks Rubio supporters will go to
TrumpCruz is delusional. Rubio is there solely as a placeholder/delegate-getter for !Jeb!.“Fixed it for ya.
Czar of Defenestration, you makes me laugh.
Czar of Defenestration,
So it’s “fun to watch Cruz supporters use GOP Establishment talking points”.
You mean like using Democrats and Independents to defeat a fellow Republican candidate in a PRIMARY election?
Oh wait, that is what you suggested Trump was trying to do by sounding like Code Pink when it comes to Iraq.
Emotion Trumps Intellect……..
I loved Trump, but lately he has scared me to death.
He sounds like a spoiled brat, liberal, blaming everyone and everything, if things don’t go his way. Dang, if that doesn’t sound like Obama using executive orders to side step laws or just ignoring laws he doesn’t like. And Trump is sounding like he is using Hillary’s persecution complex in reaction to anyone daring to question the myriad of questionable or illegal things she has done; it’s the right wing conspiracy.
But this quote, “Trump says he can do whatever he wants if he doesn’t win the nomination”, from the article that scares me most! I get the feeling that he feels justified to play the game as dirty as he wants, because he ‘isn’t beholden’ to anyone.
So we are to trade one solipsistic president for another, no matter their stated ideaology? Damn frightening.
I want a president who can be strong for the Constitution and America, but I don’t want a Sherman tank, take no prisoners, pit bull president.
His antics play right into the MSM’s gleefully stirring of the cauldron of ways to take every ounce of conservatism out of America. Liberal tactics, at every turn. And I don’t trust liberals.
I am finally seeing my son’s comparison of Trump to Hitler. Hitler played on restoring the national pride and livelihood of the Germans, after the total humiliation of the loss of WWI.
Trump’s tactics are starting to set off self-protection alarms, in their familiarity to historic dictators. Frightening.
I’m lost. It’s Trumps position that the RNC is not honoring their agreement (the stacked audeninces for certain candidates for example) so he will in turn no longer honor it either. Do you Trump haters roll over so easily in your personal life to imagined authority figures? Hitler??? In this instance if you want to dust off that dopey analogy its not Trump manipulating the process, its the RNC. Being blinded by hate (or envy I dare say) does not make for good decision making.
Sam writes (paraphrasing)
Trump = Hitler.
OKAAAAYYY….thanks for playing!
(slowly stepping away from crazy people)
Fear. Fear. Fear.
Got anything else?
Yeah. Trump=Psycho!