Trump slams Romney with video mocking his election loss – IOTW Report

Trump slams Romney with video mocking his election loss

WaEx: President Trump took a swipe at Sen. Mitt Romney after he criticized the president for allegations about a recent phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Trump’s Monday night tweet was a jab at the Utah Republican, which included video clips contrasting Romney’s electoral defeat in 2012 to the president’s victory in 2016. WATCH IT

18 Comments on Trump slams Romney with video mocking his election loss

  1. Mollie Hemmingway has been in on that action too.
    Mollie Hemingway calls out Mitt Romney By Thomas Lifson .

    “Romney really is the Animated Corpse of Republican Past, isn’t he. Whether he’s opposing leaving Paris Accord, wanting unauthorized forever war, protecting Dems while attacking GOP colleagues, he’s a walking, talking, daily reminder of why Trump was elected Pres and he was not.” .

  2. He should also remind everyone he also supported Romney in 2012 and 2018 after all the BS Romney spewed at him. Guy is classless. Makes me sick I had to vote for him. Doubt he could win any office outside Utah.

  3. With Romney, you see it’s all a performance with him. You can’t believe anything he says because he doesn’t either. Like so many politicians he’s willing to morph into anything the whims of the voter seem to want at that moment.
    Trump is focused on what he believes in and doesn’t waiver, the people see that.

  4. RINOs are to blame for the losses of Republicans.
    They ran with Dole, really? Nice guy, not presidential material, longtime member of the swamp.
    McStain, really, a backstabbing, bullying RINO.
    Mittens, not presidential, another backstabbing RINO.
    President Trump may stab, he does it looking them square in the face.
    McStain(173) ran against one contender, O’Baja(365).
    Mittens(206) ran against one contender, O’Baja(332).
    President Trump (304) ran against, Hillary the Hag(227), Ron Paul(1), Colin Powell(1), John “mailman’s son” Kasich(1), Bernie Socialist(1) and Faith Spotted Eagle(1).
    (electoral votes)
    Kicked all their asses.
    2008 was the first presidential election I missed since 1972, could not stomach voting for McStain, he pissed the uniform.
    Held my nose and voted for Mittens.
    Hell, I even voted for Bill, the first time.
    Can you forgive me?

  5. Mike Lee will vote for impeachment also.
    – I used to admire the way Mormons carry themselves.
    – – Not anymore.
    – – I now realize Harry Reid was a pretty good representative for them.


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