Trump social media thugs asked to stand down for NH primary day? – IOTW Report

Trump social media thugs asked to stand down for NH primary day?


According to pro-Trump supporter @LandmanMarius, Donald Trump has asked that his social media bullies back off of bashing other candidates for the remainder of the New Hampshire Primary day.

This, of course, in the wake of Trump referring to Ted Cruz as a “p*ssy” during a rally on Tuesday.

According to @LandmanMarius,


27 Comments on Trump social media thugs asked to stand down for NH primary day?

  1. Kind of have to call bull on Trump people “bashing” other candidates. I have not seen a lot of evidence of that, not to the level of a few other candidates supporters have been doing – not even close.

  2. From Trevor’s linked story – a proven example of how Ted Cruz was attacked with a false story by Trump supporters: “A series of tweets claimed that a staffer opened up over coffee to tell @LandmanMarius how evil Ted Cruz was, which forced him and several others to quit. It was a complete fabrication.The completely fake story designed to slam Ted Cruz was repeated at the Conservative Treehouse and the Marshall Report.”

  3. Only aggressive behavior I’ve heard of is the Rubio Metro Sexuals trying to fight some protester wearing. Robot suit. They had to wait for the scuffle to begin because of the lack of pillows.

  4. It’s been noticeably quiet around IOTWr tonight regarding Trump’s fantastic victory tonight in New Hampshire. Sorta reminds me of sitting at home by yourself on New Years Eve and going to bed early.

    So, Congratulations all you fabulous Trump supporters!!! Good on ya for standing strong and taking the heat!!

    On to S.C.! On to more Diamond and Silk, Y’all!! ON TO VICTORY!!

    Yeah!!!! Yay for Team Trump!! Hip, hip, hooray!

  5. As an Illinois resident, I can’t wait to throw my enthusiasm to the Bernmeister in the coming weeks.

    If your state is like mine, you should do the same. This primary BS is all BS. Really concession speeches?

  6. This is the same garbage that they pulled with the guy in the crowd that asked Trump about Muslims….

    Trump did not refer to Cruz as a Puzzy, a woman in the crowd is responsible for the statement and Trump was repeating her comment in the microphone so people would know what she said.

    Stop letting the mainstream media influence what you hear and see.

  7. Trump is going to stall if he keeps spewing vulgarities, NOT presidential, NOT acceptable, shows he lacks common sense. He is being rude and nasty. This disrespectful behavior is NOT going to appeal to conservative voters.

  8. You nailed it, Zonga. I’ve got no favorite yet, but every time Trump opens his mouth and says something that most people would be embarrassed to say in public, I can’t help but compare that to the gentlemanly behavior of Ted Cruz, and I don’t think I’m the only one who thinks that way. Sorry, Trump supporters, but there are ways to get your message across without appealing to people’s baser instincts. Maybe this latest move by Trump’s campaign shows that they have begun to understand that. Or maybe not.

  9. Though I *get* your point about crudeness, you folks sound like you’re expecting the “dignity of the profession” to suddenly appear where little was there before.

    I’ll take the “vulgarity” of mocking
    any day after 2010 and 2014.

  10. as “p.s.”

    I trust, though, that you weren’t *offended* by
    Cruz’s Holy Roller Tent Revival Preacher ACT
    after his “Cruz is quitting” stunt blew up in his face.

    No, no, nooooo…not vulgar at all…DIGNITY!

  11. We can all say that in public, but a public figure cant? I, for one, am greatly encouraged by a man who doesnt try to impress me with long winded lawyeresque closing arguments. I am fed up to here with lawyer/politicians. Trump is an ice tea on a hot day. You anti-trump people have about one month to turn your candidates around. Better look busy.

  12. Yeah, I really need a debate on the appropriateness of gutter talk from a prospective leader of the free world representing America to everyone else..
    I’m sure Trump will behave himself at some mysterious time in the future, ’cause he has told us he has the inside track w/ God Almighty, and is SUCH a good guy he has never even sinned.
    I really, really believe him…

  13. Trump campaigns on emotion over intellect.

    Vulgarities are just one way to motivate and rally those who are emotional. Politics has always been somewhat crude at times. Jefferson and his “prigtocrisy” or how about “Cox and Cocktails” from the 1920s.

    Just the difference between what a candidate is using to campaign on; emotion over intellect.

  14. Woody — “Trump campaigns on emotions over intellect.”

    I had to think about that for a moment, being unused as I am to relying on my intellect. And you’re right, a lot of his appeal to supporters is their anger over how close the gov’t (all of gov’t) has brought us so quickly to an unrecoverable abyss.

    Aren’t you angry about that? Or are you angrier that Trump called Cruz (for I do not accept that he was merely repeating what someone else said — oh, he knew what he was doing) a pussy?

    I’m good with emotions — and my priorities.

  15. You people are fuckin kidding, right?

    Gonna get into high dudgeon cuz of somebody using emotion during a political campaign?

    Where dafuq y’all been since (at least) the time of Pericles?

    Lemee give ya a clue … people are just a step up from wildebeests and will stampede at the slightest provocation that comports with their world-view or prejudices. Don’t believe me? Watch “Watter’s World.” Cast a gander about the globe … look at Germany, Sweden, France, Nigeria, Sudan, Denmark, Spain, America, Mexico, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, South Africa, … , &c.

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