Don Surber:
Forgive me for imposing upon the president’s magnificent speech in Warsaw my 24-hour rule on commenting on breaking news. This rule is generally placed only on crime stories, but I thought his words worthy of something more than a gee-whiz-that-was-a-great-speech post.
Upon further review I was correct, for the president answered a question that has puzzled the nation for many years:
Why do they hate us?
His answer began with his first words:
Thank you very much. That’s so nice. The United States has many great diplomats, but there is truly no better ambassador for our country than our beautiful first lady, Melania.
Our adversaries are jealous of her. They have no one who can match her grace and beauty. They attacked her from the beginning because they have no woman who is as good a role model. She dons the headscarf only to respect her religion, not theirs.
President Trump’s message to the Poles was that of our great nation, and really, all lovers of freedom — which they hate.
America loves Poland and America loves the Polish people.
We should. In the American Revolution, they sent us Tadeusz Kościuszko (a hero every West Pointer admires), Casimir Pulaski (who saved Washington’s life), and Haym Salomon (who financed the war, and never was completely re-paid).
President Trump has demonstrated a remarkable depth that the left just wasn’t expecting. He is a well read man and knows his history. And because of that he poses a threat to the left that they haven’t found a way to effectively counter. Too bad for them. hahaha
From Trump’s Epic Poland 2017 Speech:
The man understands better than I did that we are in a cold civil war on our own soil, that the bullets have started to fly and that collectivism is the enemy. It truly is a global WAR to retain the freedoms and advancements of western civilization that liberated the individual from they tyranny of collectivist mutants.
They’re shooting at us now folks, just ask Steve Scalise or any beat cop.
Oh, and he’s absolutely right about the first lady. There isn’t even a way to compare her to that thing that stunk up our white house prior to his taking office. That taxpayer money squandering, dirty finger nailed trash was and still is a national embarrassment.
Magnificent. My fervent wish is that they continue to underestimate him…and overestimate their “leaders” i.e. Pelosi.
Who writes his speeches? That is amazing. Not one wasted word and tons of inspiration for freedom. Eat your hearts out, democRATS.
They Are Jealous – Hurt – Angry and Clearly Obsessed With The Beauty that Defies Them !
The Press is touting this as one of the BEST speeches ever given.
The Foreign press. It’s true.