Trump suggests Democrats will dump ‘crooked’ Hillary Clinton for Joe Biden – IOTW Report

Trump suggests Democrats will dump ‘crooked’ Hillary Clinton for Joe Biden


[…] He said things are getting so bad for Mrs. Clinton politically that Democrats may use their convention to try to dump her and recruit Vice President Joseph R. Biden as their nominee over Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Sanders.

“I hear they’re going to actually slip Joe Biden in, and he’s going to take Bernie’s place,” Mr. Trump said.


Read the article @ Washington Times

17 Comments on Trump suggests Democrats will dump ‘crooked’ Hillary Clinton for Joe Biden

  1. I have said this for 9 months…no way Killary can win and they will dump her…Barry has it all planned out so he has full access for at least 4 more years with Uncle Joe who owes him big time….expect Fauxcohontas to tag along to assume the mantle in 2020…by 2028 when she is done there won’t be a country to even care about so after that it has to be a Convention of State to have a prayer….

  2. With this latest DoS OIG report, it seems 99% certain
    it ain’t gonna be Hillary…BUT:

    …it ain’t gonna be Joe…
    … *WHO* will be the “unexpected!” replacement
    is the big question.

    My intuition says someone younger
    (younger than dirt…i.e. Sanders or Clinton). Warren???
    IF Joe in 2016, that would allow him
    to cede power to Warren in 2020…a VERY toxic cocktail.

  3. Just watching the expression on her face and then her head exploding from realizing that she has been dumped in favor of the nations first openly retarded VP would be worth the price of admission.

  4. I’ve been saying for months they would do this. She will “die” just before the convention then spend the rest of her life enjoying the billions in ill gotten gains she has while living in Europe. But first she has to name Joe Biden as her running mate to by pass Bernie supporters.

  5. I can’t imagine the Dem voters accepting any candidate apart from the two currently running. As GOP voters were concerned about their will being overturned at the convention I think the Dems feel similarly. If anyone other than Bernie or Killary gets the nod I think Dem turnout will fall through the floor.

    Except maybe Moochelle. :\

  6. 8 years ago the stupid party (GOP) focused on beating Hillary only to be blindsided by Soetoro.
    Are we stupid enough to get fooled like that again?
    Yes, we are.

  7. Or, with the front runner getting measured for a jail pant suit, the DNC calls for another primary and asks Barry to delay the election, Barry complies, the Bernenites riot, and chaos ensues where Barry installs himself as President for another two years

  8. If they DO pull a bait-n-switch, it will have to be with a younger candidate. The last time the Democrat Party successfully got a non-incumbent in the White House who was over the age of 55 was when Woodrow “Poop-Teeth” Wilson was elected in 1912. And even then, he was aided by Theodore Roosevelt siphoning over half the GOP away from Taft.

  9. Hmm. I had put in for the week of July 18-22 as vacation time. I wanted to be available to follow gavel-to-gavel coverage of the Republican National Convention. I did this because I thought the GOPE might try to screw Trump over in some of is way.

    Now I’m wondering if I should take the week of the Democrat National Convention. There might be more fireworks in Philly than in Cleveland.

  10. “of is” should be OAFISH. Since when does a verb follow a preposition?

    BTW, said my first complete sentence in Spanish today:

    “Westchester es uno otero condado.” (“Westchester is another county”–said to dumbass Dominican hack on the Major Deegan.)

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