Trump Supporter Unfurls ‘Keep America Great’ Flag at Boston’s Fenway Park, but It Gets Quickly Ripped Down – IOTW Report

Trump Supporter Unfurls ‘Keep America Great’ Flag at Boston’s Fenway Park, but It Gets Quickly Ripped Down

Epoch Times: Trump supporters unfurled a “Trump 2020: Keep America Great!” flag during a game at Boston’s Fenway Park on May 10 before it was swiftly taken down by a baseball fan.

The flag was draped from the upper deck of the stadium just before the sixth inning during the Boston Red Sox and Seattle Mariners game. But about two minutes after the flag was revealed, a fan sitting in a section directly below it ripped the flag down.

Dion Cini—a military veteran and self-described conservative—confirmed to The Epoch Times that he was behind the flag stunt. The veteran had previously made similar stunts and was even banned from California’s Disneyland for unfurling a “Trump 2020” flag on a riverboat at the amusement park.

Cini also made headlines in March when he announced he was considering legal action against a New York City bar for forcing him to leave the premises because he was wearing a MAGA hat. The veteran alleged that he was berated by several employees for wearing the hat and was asked to leave for refusing to take it off.  more here

11 Comments on Trump Supporter Unfurls ‘Keep America Great’ Flag at Boston’s Fenway Park, but It Gets Quickly Ripped Down

  1. A few days ago a very CLEVER trick was featured here on IOTW. Involves a twenty-dollar bill. We need to do it with EVERY 20 that passes through our hands, from now until the (re)election ♥

  2. @ Just,

    The problem really is that conservative voices are being silenced on the world stage. If we continue to kowtow to this nonsense we will be eradicated.
    Abby Johnson is on the right track! It is time to stand up and stop taking it in the ass!
    and, “if voting mattered, they wouldn’t let us do it…” (apologies to Samuel Clemens)

  3. Just pass’n thru, it’s a matter of presence. Trump can hold massive rallies, and tens of thousands will show up every time. But the left never sees that from inside their bubble. They have no idea of the size and scope of what they’re dealing with, and they need to be disabused of their delusions.

    After Pearl Harbor, we went straight to the heart of Japan with a bombing run which was nothing but agitprop. But it was a morale boost and it got the Japs’ attention. Dion Cini, as a veteran, understands the effectiveness and necessity of harassing raids into the bubble. We are here, NPCs. Don’t get comfortable.

  4. This post still exists on Facebook for one reason and only one reason: It ended up being torn down. That warms liberal’s hearts. Had it remained for any significant time, the account holder, as well as the post, would have a big “Not Found” error message right now.

  5. The Press has lied to America for at least 75 years. Still do! this needed to be done so TV watchers can see that there are Americans who like the President. Hard for the America hating press to kill this. I’m sure it was only on screen for a few seconds, but long enough for those able to think to understand that our bigoted Press lies!

    Same with the guys that keep getting thrown out of Disneyland every other week- for doing the same thing. Trust me, folk at the gym see it if only for 2 seconds and say, “But the press keeps telling us Americans hate Don?”. The “news” tells us that WED(owners of the park and makers of hundreds of movies each year) bans these folk for life from Disneyland. I think they try; but given that it happens 2 or 3 times a month; I think they fail.
    But people talk about the Trump supporters withe their MAGA banners at Disneyland! Again; even though it is on screen for only a few seconds – and NEVER RERUN- people notice. And what they notice is that the “news” is FAKE NEWS!

  6. ecp, it was brilliant. A tear-away jersey, so angry NPCs don’t hurt themselves ripping it down. And it was never meant to last more than 30 seconds, just enough time to get it on video. Those Boston NPCs are pretty slow on the uptake, though. I’m glad they think it’s a win for them, so nobody gets censored, but the banner shouldn’t have gotten in at all, so how is that a win?

  7. #BostonStrong “OK”
    Keep America Great, not so much.

    Good old Massachusetts, land of the Kennedy’s, Barney Frank, Gerry Studds, the Bulger’s, Liz Warren, Albert DiSalvo

  8. @Thirdtwin, it’s a win in liberal camp since it signifies the removal of Trump. The initial placement and display for 30 seconds being the primary point is lost on the NPCs.

    For the same reason they consider tearing down statues and erasing history a win because of false fantasies about white privilege and evil patriarchy. The quicker we forget our history the quicker we are destined to repeat it. That should be of concern for blacks, women and all minorities, the same people they are claiming to help when putting a win on the board by tearing these things down.


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