Trump Supporters Gather at Trump Tower With Message for New York City – IOTW Report

Trump Supporters Gather at Trump Tower With Message for New York City

Epoch Times: A group of President Trump supporters rallied in front of Trump Tower in support of the president’s 2020 election bid, and celebrated the end of the Russia collusion investigation by Robert Mueller.

A grassroots collection of Trump supporters in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania came together in New York City on March 23 to support the president.

They came to Trump Tower on 5th Avenue with hats and signs saying “Make America Great Again,” “Keep America Great,” and “Trump 2020.”

When asked about what had brought them there, Brooklyn resident and rally attendee Hedy Aldina told NTD, “because we want to support President Trump.

“In spite of all his opposition, he is fulfilling all his promises and we want him to know that we the people are with him, for him, stand by him every step of the way. Go Trump.”

Another attendee was asked about how unusual the rally was, due to New York’s well-known Democratic and leftist leanings.

“Well actually, New York state is not. Its just the five boroughs that is liberal, real liberal and Democratic. But outside the boroughs, [there are] a lot of conservatives and Republicans out there,” rally attendee Derrick Gibson told NTD.  See more

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