Trump Supporters Line Deep Blue California Streets to Welcome President Trump – IOTW Report

Trump Supporters Line Deep Blue California Streets to Welcome President Trump

Geller Report

President Trump recieved a hero’s welcome in deep-blue California. President Trump’s support is truly a sight to behold. #Trump2024! MORE

4 Comments on Trump Supporters Line Deep Blue California Streets to Welcome President Trump

  1. All well and good. With half the entire population of the country sucking welfare benefits living in Cali they’ll always vote for the one they think is responsible for their freebies.

  2. We saw all this in 2020 also and still lost. If the states haven’t fixed voter rolls, mail in ballots, harvesting we will lose again….they just need it to be somewhat close.
    If they ditch Joe before or at convention the DNC picks who they want and it will move the needle enough to make it closer and maybe even surpass DJT.


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