Trump Supporters Question Why Biden Has So Many More Votes Than Democratic Senators in Swing States – IOTW Report

Trump Supporters Question Why Biden Has So Many More Votes Than Democratic Senators in Swing States

In Georgia, Biden got 95,801 extra votes than the Democratic Senator.

Summit News:

Trump supporters are questioning why Joe Biden has so many more votes, in the case of Georgia nearly 96,000, in key swing states compared to the number of people who voted for Democratic Senators on the same ticket.

Usually, voters will choose both their preferred president and that president’s corresponding political party when it comes to choosing their Congressional candidate.

“Overwhelming shares of voters who are supporting Trump and Biden say they are also supporting the same-party candidate for Senate,” reported Pew before the election.

However, in key swing states, numbers that would normally expected to be close are showing wild differences when it comes to Joe Biden.

For example, in Georgia, 2,414,651 voted for Biden compared to 2,318,850 who voted for the Democratic Senator – a difference of 95,801. more here

22 Comments on Trump Supporters Question Why Biden Has So Many More Votes Than Democratic Senators in Swing States

  1. I saw a weird local WA story today. The Everett Herald newspaper was seeking voters who voted for Culp (who ran against Inslee for Gov) but voted for Biden for President.

    No flipping way if you ticked the box for Culp would Biden be your guy. I’m not sure what the paper is looking for.

  2. Do not try to figure this out.
    I live in a country that voted for Trudeau in two straight elections.First time around i was flummoxed second time i was aghast.
    Just go with the flow and take care of your family,then when they start knocking on the door bring the guns out.

  3. I can’t believe this country will go down the drain due to such an idiotic and transparent scheme. They got caught red-handed but it seems to not make a difference that their hand is in the cookie jar.

  4. Dimwits were in such a rush to foist demented Joe on the country, they did not want to wast time cross checking numbers of making use of these new fangled spread sheets, for averages, or any of that junk. Repubs will be so over whelmed, they won’t check nothin’.

  5. Heard on the radio today (Rush, or some similar radio show) that the fraudsters skipped the down-voting because it would take away time needed to quickly mark Biden. It would significantly reduce the number of Biden votes if spending time to mark all the remaining down-votes on each ballot.

    If this was the case, and these were newly printed (or extra) ballots, I would separate the ballots with only Biden’s name marked from the rest, and at least assume these were suspect fraudulent ballots if a relavily large number were found.

  6. Because the thieves marking ballots for Biden in the middle of the night want to get paid again to mark ballots in the middle of the night for Warnock and Ossoff. Never do in eight hours what can be done in sixteen.

    And SOS Raffensperger is a wilting sissy.

  7. Leftists are citing that as evidence that there was not election fraud. It take a lot of time to manufacture 138,000 fraudulent ballots. They didn’t have time to fill in all the blanks for Dems.

  8. No ones out in the streets? We’re goin’ down without a wimper?

    Just making sure because all these puffed up super patriots have been tellin’ us for YEARS that they were ready to get it on.

    Nothing? Not even some graffiti?

    Don’t EVER want to hear some silverback patri-ape talk tough again.

  9. Aaron, I wish I was a street fightin’ man, but I got too much to lose right now, so I’m gonna bug out and dig in somewhere else pretty soon. If the commies are raging hard in ten or fifteen years when I’m nearing my eighties, and I got nothing to lose, and nobody I’m responsible for, I’d like to think I will come out of the bunker and go full Gran Torino on somebody who deserves it.

    Probably not, though. I have to be honest. But if someday I find out I only have months to live, I just might start smoking again, and planning…

  10. Just seems odd that we had all these rallies of tens of thousands of people ….and now?

    The hell is wrong with people? You can’t ALL be as lazy as I am.

    I’ll make a prediction. If the repubs just sit around and let Biden win, I’m going to jail. I just know it. I’ll tee off on the first Biden son of s bitch I see and I’ll wind up doing 3 to 7. Guaranteed.

    You should probably place any orders with me sooner rather than later.

  11. Though I am making list of people who making lists:

    “Any R now promoting rejection of an election or calling to not to follow the will of voters or making baseless allegations of fraud should never serve in office, join a corporate board, find a faculty position or be accepted into “polite” society. We have a list.”—Jennifer Rubin

    “The Trump Accountability Project: Every Administration staffer, campaign staffer, bundler, lawyer who represented them — everyone.”—Michael Simon

    “Is anyone archiving these Trump sycophants for when they try to downplay or deny their complicity in the future? I foresee decent probability of many deleted Tweets, writings, photos in the future.”—AOC

    Don’t worry, Hillary…You’re at the top of my list.

  12. House currently
    D 212. R 194
    Considering how the remaining are leaning, it could end up
    D 220 R 215
    That is weird. If their thugs had marked the down ballots, Nancy wouldn’t be possibly only a few seats short of losing power.

  13. After halting the vote count to determine how many votes for Trump were coming in from the rural areas.

    They determined an extra 100,000 votes for Joe would do the trick to put Joe ahead. But if they took to long to create the fake ballots it would have been even more obvious a lot of chicanery was going on.

    They decided to sacrifice making the ballots look more authentic by checking in down ballot votes. And only checked a vote for Joe and moved on to complete the next fake ballot.

    Hoping no one would notice the large gap in vote count for president vs votes cast for local in state offices. And if it was noticed? Well, it would just be assumed those voters only cared about who became elected president because they hate Trump, but cared not who was elected to local offices.

  14. Tens of thousands chanting “We love you” in multiple rallies in multiple states vs 12 people in their perfect circles listening to five minutes of gibberish.
    No way 74 million voted for the geriatric old fart.


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