Trump supporters rejoice as election swings to trump – IOTW Report

Trump supporters rejoice as election swings to trump

Trump supporters cheer the election results at a rally for The Donald in New York. Photo: AP
Trump supporters cheer the election results at a rally for The Donald in New York.
Photo: AP

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13 Comments on Trump supporters rejoice as election swings to trump

  1. It ain’t over yet, leftists are now calling for Trump to be disqualified. And by leftists, I include McConnell and Ryan. They have a plan B.

    “Son, a commie don’t take a dump without a plan!”

  2. My flag was taken down 8 years ago. Unfortunately, the flagpole mount has disintegrated. I will fly the flag again – but now may wait until inauguration day. There’s still more lame duck crap to come from the muslim.

  3. I was stunned when Hillary conceded the election so fast after the cryptic insinuation by Podesta that there might be a recount looming. Then it dawned on me, a recount would only serve to expose the extent of voter fraud the Democrats had perpetrated. Choke on it you assholes!

  4. To paraphrase something some idiot has said, “I’m proud to be an American for the first time in eight years.”
    Now if the US Navy will get rid of the pussies and queers, and start naming ships after real Americans, I’ll be glad to put my US Navy Veteran sticker back on my truck.

  5. The flag flies out front. On the back deck where it can’t be seen by the road is a flag that has flown upside down for 4 years. (Title 4, Chapter 1
    § 8(a)The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.)

    Now it will be reversed as it should.

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