Trump takes on CFPB, a regulatory agency set up by Elizabeth Warren so no Republican could ever work – IOTW Report

Trump takes on CFPB, a regulatory agency set up by Elizabeth Warren so no Republican could ever work


The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is one of those things that sounds purely like the government helping out the sainted little guy against threats from the powerful and the predatory. And there’s a lot of danger in that. The CFPB was created by Democrats as part of the passage of Dodd-Frank in 2010, and Obama appointed left-wing stalwart Richard Cordray to wield the agency’s considerable power.

Now Trump believes, correctly, that it’s time to rein Cordray and the CFPB in, which the political class sees as a case of evil Republicans undercutting the rights of the common folk:

With Friday’s signing of a new executive order by President Trump, the alternating sides face a pivotal showdown over one of the signature safeguards enacted under the Dodd-Frank Wall Street reform act after the 2008 financial crisis.

The barely two-page order never mentions the CFPB.

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14 Comments on Trump takes on CFPB, a regulatory agency set up by Elizabeth Warren so no Republican could ever work

  1. Read the whole article. If what she says is true (no reason to believe it isn’t) then that whole nest of vipers needs to be cleaned out. Warren sure did a good job setting that liberal stronghold up and it will be tough to take down but it needs to go or to be flushed out to actually make it non-partisan.

  2. President Trump should start by deactivating rule and regulation from January of 2009.

    A committee can study the bunch and discard what is useless, probably all of them.

  3. Scrap the entire agency.

    Reinstate Glass-Steagall, as DJT promised on the campaign trail many times.

    Fakeahantas is unelectable outside Deep Left Massachusetts. As unelectable as Hilary.

    She may not even be re-electable next year.

    I’ll love seeing The Prez endorse whoever runs against Warren. That will be fun

  4. Warren’s CFPB pays six-figure salaries to 741 employees, or 61% of the CFPB workforce, with one in four taking home $150,00 or more.

    The CFPB has let its refurbishment of a headquarters building it does not own spiral from an initial estimated $55 million to $215 million as of June 2014. The money is being spent on a rooftop kiddie play yard, a finely-decorated new lobby and landscaping.

    Is was/is also embroiled in a scandal involved alleged widespread racial and gender discrimination at the agency.

    Great work Fauxcohotas!

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