Trump team working right up to Christmas break – IOTW Report

Trump team working right up to Christmas break

WaEx: Reporters covering President Obama the week before Christmas have sent their dispatches from sunny Hawaii, but those covering President-elect Trump have spent their days recording the comings and goings of corporate executives, Pentagon brass and soon-to-be West Wing staffers as Trump conducts transition meetings from his Palm Beach estate heading into the holidays.


It’s just the latest sign that Trump plans to do things differently than his predecessor, whose affection for golf outings and leisurely beach trips stands in stark contrast to Trump’s known avoidance of vacations. At the same point in his own transition period, Obama was cloistered in Hawaii with his family and a handful of staff, enjoying time away from the hard work of forming a government.

“With less a month before Obama takes office on Jan. 20, he is taking every step possible to make sure this holiday is as private as possible,” read an Associated Press report from Christmas Day in 2008. “Obama and his family planned to spend their Christmas holiday mostly out of sight, an accomplishment given his two-year, high-profile marathon to win the presidency.”

Trump has showed few signs of slowing down as Christmas Day approaches. Just three days before the holiday, he unveiled five new additions to his White House staff, including Republican National Committee spokesman Sean Spicer, who will serve as his press secretary, and transition spokesman Jason Miller, who will serve as his White House communications director.  MORE

11 Comments on Trump team working right up to Christmas break

  1. la differenza è Stark!!!

    Thank heavens-much more of Obama/Jarrett’s lackadaisical bullshit and we’d have the Chinese making islands off San Diego, the Russians breaking into the cable TV market and the mosque building business sector would be on fire.

  2. I freaking love that Trump is telling Boeing and Lockheed Martin to “sharpen their pencils”. What could possibly be wrong with asking for contractors to give better pricing? That’s just common sense. Bout damn time somebody in DC asked for a better deal for taxpayers!!

  3. Some people enjoy working. And generally, in a capitalist society, those people are rewarded, as they should be. That’s what makes our country great. So it’s great that we have someone like that leading the government, setting an example.

  4. Kellyann Conway was asked how she manages a family, her kids, and the White House work to be done. Her response was for the history books- “well, I don’t play golf, and I don’t have a mistress”. Speaks Volumes! Same with Pres Elect Trump. All the difference between him and Obobo, like Daylight vs Dark.

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