Trump Tells McConnell to Use Nuclear Option to Pass Border Wall Funding – IOTW Report

Trump Tells McConnell to Use Nuclear Option to Pass Border Wall Funding

Dan Bongino: President Trump is urging Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) to use the so-called “nuclear option” in order to pass the House spending bill approved last night that provides $5.7 billion for the wall along the U.S.-Mexico border and avoids a government shutdown.

In a tweet this morning, the president wrote, “Mitch, use the Nuclear Option and get it done! Our Country is counting on you!”


25 Comments on Trump Tells McConnell to Use Nuclear Option to Pass Border Wall Funding

  1. @RightWinger December 21, 2018 at 11:26 am

    > McConnell Aide – “Uh, Mr. McConnell, before you go in to vote on the bill, the Chamber of Commerce is on the phone.

    The CoC gave McConnell a cell phone. He even takes it with him in the shower.

  2. SO WHAT?!
    If it passes, Trump signs and it’s done: WIN!
    If it doesn’t, government shuts down for TWO YEARS: WINNING-er!
    (…and all Americans *finally* get to see how little Federal Government they really need in their lives!)

  3. Having to rely upon Mitch McCONnell or the other RINO dissenters in the Senate to follow the will of the people is a giant leap of Faith.

    This time …. Will Lucy pull the football away before Charlie Brown can kick it? What are the odds?

  4. You could start interviewing Trump voters today and continue until hell freezes over and you still will not find a single one whose vote was predicated on “Criminal Justice Reform.” Trump needs to pull his Goddamned head out of his ass and cut out fucking the dog and stick to his core deliverables and if he forgot what they are here’s a hint. If the Democrats are adamant that they are going to oppose it… it just might be what got you elected to do.

    As for that worthless POS McConnell, Trump needs to haul his ass into the Oval Office and make him an offer he can’t refuse. It goes something like this, either you get this passed, and I don’t care how you do it, or your leadership position will not survive to see February.

  5. “Yertle the Turtle” McConnell knows the Wall will be on him if he implements the nuclear option. He’ll do everything he can to avoid being responsible for the Wall to keep his fellow RINOs and the Deep State off his back.

  6. First off, it’s not the “nuclear” option; it’s the “Reid” option.

    President Trump should make it abundantly clear that this option was exploited by Sen. Harry Reid in Reid’s never-ending crusade to line his (and his relatives’) pockets with ill-gotten booty and to weaken and destroy America.

    President Trump is getting some crappy advice.
    The notion that McConnell would do anything to strengthen America, and to inhibit the invasion of rat-people, is laughable.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. McConnell is really on the hot seat now! Trump has boxed his ass in to catching the blame for the failure. This is getting fun.

    P.S. If this is the only way to get rid of some of the Washington dead weight I’ll gladly settle for it.

  8. High probability that Magoogoo will Flake. He hasn’t f*cked America enough before he croaks, just like McCain.

    In other news: Ruth Buzzy Ginsberg (85) has two lung malignancies removed at Sloan Kettering. Probability of recall to God is high.

  9. “Retiring Sens. Jeff Flake (R-AZ), Orrin Hatch (R-UT), and Lamar Alexander (R-TN) all released statements on Friday, opposing the nuclear option to fund the wall.”

    Corker is a no too.

    They don’t have the votes for the nuclear option.

  10. If not, the Trump could impose 25-50% tariffs on Chinese goods and bankrupt the McConnell “Family” Shipping Business. By “Family” I mean a Chinese front.


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