trump threatens Rickets family

AmericanSpectator: Pitchers and catchers reported just a few short days ago, but already things are looking good for the Chicago Cubs – or, at least, better than they have for a long time. Vegas odds are already favoring the Cubs for their first World Series appearance in decades, and batting practice had barely begun before left fielder Kyle Schwarber knocked a home run so far out of the park it busted a local windshield. Here’s hoping that this is simply the first in an ongoing scourge of baseball-related automobile damages, centered around Waveland Avenue.

Anyway, while the Cubs seem to be doing just fine, their owners, the Ricketts family, have come under fire from Donald Trump on Twitter, for their contributions to Our Principles PAC – a Team Romney-led effort designed to handicap Trump in primary states. Marlene Ricketts, wife of Joe Ricketts, founder of TD Ameritrade, has contributed around $3 million, so far, to help air ads attacking Trump in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina. And Trump is none too happy about it.  MORE


  1. Threats of blackmail are something new to Presidential campaigns, aren’t they? Well, whatever it takes to get an honest, principled guy in office, I suppose…


    P.S. – Just being sarcastic, Trump fans. Don’t pop a vein or anything.

  2. This is nothing.
    When he makes a left turn during the primaries in order to get liberal votes (as he did recently to get code pink and others on board) Trump supporters are going to wish they hadn’t help push Rubio to get Cruz out of the way.
    He ahs been a good progressive all his life, his recent change is likely not as complete as many think.

  3. Let’s discuss the 11th Commandment.

    Trump has never been and never will be a Conservative. Why would a Conservative vote for him?

    We should be, in force, telling him to take his demagoguery and pandering to the other side where it belongs. Sitting back and proclaiming “I’ll vote for what ever the GOP sends me” is a futile and destructive to the long term goals. One election is not worth the destruction of the Conservative movement. Until we unite and tell the GOP to move away from the mushy middle, we have no use for them.

    Trump is a yuge destructive force to Conservatism and should be loudly denounced.

  4. The Clinton’s used the IRS to hassle their marked enemy’s.
    0bama certainly can’t say he hasn’t either, and worse.
    Trump is using their own tactics.
    This is political season. They all make veiled threats against someone.

    Bernie hates the establishment.
    Hillary hates men.
    Trump hates illegal immigration.
    Cruz hates other politicians
    Rubio hates Liberals
    Bush now hates his brother
    Carson hates Cruz
    Kasich hates Republicans

  5. I don’t understand what the big deal is. If the Rickett’s are spending money illegally, what is wrong with pointing it out? Even if the spending is legal, I don’t understand the issue here.

  6. “So do you think Trump wouldn’t use the IRS to target people like Obama did?”

    Not at all, you’ll find that people that come from the private sector are much more honest than a damned politician. And or Lawyer.

  7. Are you kidding me? How much you wanna bet certain Trump hotel rooms (the real fancy ones) are/were bugged? Trump prolly has Shitloads of recordings of all sorts of nasties of officials from gubmint, sports, you name it, that he could blackmail.

    That’s why I’m voting for Trump. The blackmail president. #BlackMailMatters

  8. Before this is over, we are going to find out that Trump has a missing testicle and possible a small manly member, just like another popular leader who led his country into the abyss. This fascinating historical tidbit has been given as an explanation for that other demagogue’s behavior. However, Trump seems just as immune from critical examination of his outrageous outbursts as that other crowd pleaser.

  9. @marco ~ seriously?
    the guys had 3 wives (all hot!) & plenty of offsprings …. I seriously doubt we have to worry in that direction

    ….as opposed to the present ‘first children’ that resemble their ‘father’ in no way …. or the child of the democRAT nominee

    I’m amazed at the lengths the anti-Trumps will stoop to….

  10. My reply to anyone offended by my comparison of Trump to the other leader of people with a wild enthusiasm for change is this: Sarcasm doesn’t mean that everything referred to is supposed to be taken as a known fact. Yes, Trump has been married three times to very attractive women. We would know this even if we never saw any photographs of the women in question, because Trump has constantly reminded us of how great looking they are when he’s married to them. And, his current wife is the only potential First Lady with nude photographs available to back up his claims. My problem with Trump is that he is going to give us at least four years of Hillary and Bill Clinton; just like H. Ross Perot gave us eight years of Bill and Hillary Clinton.

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