Trump The Disrupter Pivots Back To Trumpism – And The Establishment Freaks Out – IOTW Report

Trump The Disrupter Pivots Back To Trumpism – And The Establishment Freaks Out

Townhall: The Americans who voted for Donald Trump wanted a disrupter, and that’s what Santa brought them this Christmas/Hanukah/Kwanzaa. After two years of denying his inner Donald, and under fire from all sides, Trump finally went full Trump. That is, he actually did what he promised, and the establishment lost its collective Schiff.

They really thought this was it for Trump. They thought they finally had him. The GOP just lost the House. The Fed raised interest rates as the market slumped – for totally economic reasons and not to hurt Trump’s chances, and if you say different you are a crazy traitor Russian emoluments treason guy. Ann Coulter was dissing him about the wall so hard he unfollowed her on Twitter. The Mueller festival of elite onanism peaked with the Flynn fiasco.

But when all hell breaks loose, Trump thrives. And he thrives through disruption. He stopped trying to behave – yeah, the last two years was him behaving in an attempt to work with the establishment – and started doing what he said he would do. He went back to disrupting the elite consensus. And that has freaked out the squares.  more here

8 Comments on Trump The Disrupter Pivots Back To Trumpism – And The Establishment Freaks Out

  1. In ’15 there were 17 fighting for the nomination. One had the temerity to say the
    GWG. ga ng were”war criminals ” for “faking news” to start wars!
    The. Establishments have both been “freaking out” fo 3.5 years!

    The Obama/Bush Folk will still be freakin a year from now!

  2. what they don’t understand, either through hubris, ignorance or stupidity is that PDJT thrives in Chaos. he always has.
    … most great leaders do.

    @carter ~ love the ‘wolfpack’ quote

  3. Maybe he read my earlier post here. It started something like this: You could poll Americans who voted for Trump until hell freezes over and not come across a single one who voted Trump for Criminal Justice Reform…

    Let’s hope he decided he’s going to dance with the ones who accepted his invite to the ball after all.


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