Trump threatens to shut down Congress to get his nominees approved to fight Wu-Flu coronavirus – IOTW Report

Trump threatens to shut down Congress to get his nominees approved to fight Wu-Flu coronavirus

‘It’s just a concerted effort to make life difficult,’ Trump said of both the U.S. House and Senate.

Just The News:

[…] “The Senate has left Washington until at least May 4.,” Trump said. “The Constitution provides a mechanism for the president to fill positions in such circumstances, the ‘recess appointment,’ it’s called. The Senate’s practice of gaveling into so-called ‘pro forma sessions’ where no one is even there has prevented me from using the constitutional authority that we’re given under the recess provisions. The Senate should either fulfill it’s duty and vote on my nominees or it should formally adjourn so that I can make recess appointments.” read more

19 Comments on Trump threatens to shut down Congress to get his nominees approved to fight Wu-Flu coronavirus

  1. The government is the enemy of the people and their rights, that includes everyone in it from you local city council members all the way up to Trump.

    Some may pretend to be otherwise with their words, but when you look at and analyze their actions you get a different picture.

  2. Trump has powers I think he’s been reluctant to utilize for the sake of trying to show the opposition a willingness to compromise.
    This has never been the case with the dems and he should take the gloves off. Start by removing many of the perks the leadership takes for granted and watch them explode.
    They’ll never meet him halfway so why not try and make their lives as miserable as possible.

  3. gin blossom,

    Compromise means ypu are admitting you were wrong to start with, or are willing to become wrong if you weren’t, and making it look like some kind of noble thing to be doing it.

    If you’re right never give up, and if you’re wrong just admit you were and change your position.

  4. There could be another reason POTUS Trump has been reluctant to use all the legal authority at his disposal besides compromise, Gin Blossom. I’ve often thought about this over the course of his time in office.

    Trump has been trying, since his first day in office, to make the federal gov’t work as it should, under the spirit if not the law of the constitution. Now, finding it impossible to move forward in his appointment of judges and critical hires, he’s forced to use the full, legal force of the Executive spelled out in Art 2, Sec III of the Constitution. Such Executive prerogative can only be invoked under “extraordinary circumstances” (like a national emergency). Since the congress gavels back in (for real) on May 5th, Trump must act quickly to make his recess appointments. This president is the only one — other than President Harris — to have never made a recess appointment.

    I think Trump has been reluctant to use the Exec’s own Nuclear Option, knowing how this will motivate the Democrats to greater heights of obstruction and general perversity. Just like the rest of us, he wants our government to work the way it is supposed to. He’s exhausted all other avenues and now he can state honestly to the American people that he is justified in adjourning congress.

  5. @AbigailAdams April 16, 2020 at 11:31 am

    > Just like the rest of us, he wants our government to work the way it is supposed to.

    Just like the rest of us.

    Yeah. That’s the ticket.

  6. The Republican Senate is tying Trump’s hands. If he shuts down the House and the Senate it will probably go to the Supreme Court. When Obama was turned down by the Supreme Court they stated that they would be more amiable to the request under an act of war or unusual circumstances. The President has a good chance of getting his wish. If not, he always has Martial Law.
    The President has been denied appointments for two years. Do not underestimate his will to get this job done. I say shut it down.

  7. @AbigailAdams April 16, 2020 at 11:49 am

    > @Tommy F — What do you mean by that?

    You’re right. I do not believe my own lying eyes. I nev-uh quote, exactly what I wrote. Because that is what I wrote. I change it to be truthier. Because I, truly, do not understand. Which is your fault. Well, it would be your fault. If I believ-ed my own lying eyes. Which I do not! Because, acting!

    (I did not mash-up that metaphor. You scoundrel!)

  8. @Tiger Eyes — You can check this, but I read that it takes both the majority and the minority of the senate to agree on lifting the pro-forma session and gavel back in for normal business (or gavel out for an actual recess, one or both, I can’t remember). So, it’s not the senate R’s who are tying Trump’s hands, it’s the senate D’s.


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