Trump to be discharged from Walter Reed Medical Center, says ‘don’t be afraid of COVID’ – IOTW Report

Trump to be discharged from Walter Reed Medical Center, says ‘don’t be afraid of COVID’


US President Donald Trump announced that he will be leaving the “great Walter Reed Medical Centre” today at 6:30 pm.

Trump and First Lady Melania Trump tested positive for the coronavirus late Thursday night. Trump was airlifted to the medical centre Friday evening out of an abundance of caution at the advise of his doctors. more

I hope he does it:
President Trump Working on Declassifying “Spygate” Documents From Hospital.

Last week Lindsey Graham released damning information from DNI John Ratcliffe that the media was more than happy to ignore. The information was regarding the FBI’s handling of Crossfire Hurricane, their secretive counterintelligence investigation into the Trump campaign that was a precursor to Robert Mueller’s special counsel.

Anyone that’s followed the spygate scandal knows that the investigation was tainted by the political motivation to thwart the candidacy and then presidency of Donald Trump, and Ratcliffe has provided us with even more supporting evidence. According to Graham, Ratcliffe provided the following information to the Committee on the Judiciary:

11 Comments on Trump to be discharged from Walter Reed Medical Center, says ‘don’t be afraid of COVID’

  1. He is the only leader to actually tell us what it was/is like.

    2 opposition politicians up here in canuckistan had it and went into hiding rather that give people a real account.
    Knowing our assholes it is most likely to keep Canadians afraid of the disease hoping that we DO NOT wake up.

    They are afraid of a 2nd term for Trump who has been improving trade deals to American benefit and want him replaced by another grifter.

  2. He’s going back to command the Fort.

    This is much about symbolic REAL leadership as it is ANYTHING. And he knows this, AND THAT IS OKAY.

    The longer away a leader is from it’s command position the more vunerable the troops become.

    Trump leads.

    Washington himself was stricken with ‘the Grippe’ and he made it out of it.

    We are witnessing…history…again.

    Just sayin’.

  3. I just watched the Video of Trump walking up the front steps of the White House and waiting, and Saluting Marine 1.

    This man is an Inspiration.

    As my 80 year old father says, “He Has Square Balls!”

  4. I watching The Five on you tube and just listened to Juan tell us that if you test positive for COVID you are automatically sick! I am screaming. We used to call asymptomatic people HEALTHY! Any one of us could test positive for the corona-virus that does not mean we are ready to die!

  5. I am NO one to be quoting the Bible, but is not this……..BIBLICAL?

    “Don’t be afraid…”

    Is this not mentioned throughout the New Testament??? Like the most mentioned phrase?

    IOW the basic message? DO NOT BE AFRAID.

    Asking for a friend…a good Samaritan.


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