Trump to Counter-Program Second GOP Debate by Appearing with Striking Auto Workers in Detroit – IOTW Report

Trump to Counter-Program Second GOP Debate by Appearing with Striking Auto Workers in Detroit

Breitbart: Former President Donald Trump will appear with striking union members of the United Auto Workers (UAW) in Detroit, Michigan, as his opponents squabble for the spotlight on the debate stage on September 27, according to a report that multiple sources have confirmed to Breitbart News. 

The New York Times first reported on Trump’s forthcoming appearance with Detroit auto workers striking against the big three automakers — General Motors, Ford, and Stellantis — which will serve as counter-programming to the GOP debate at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California.

The GOP frontrunner will deliver a “prime-time speech before current and former union members,” according to the Times, as they strike for higher wages following 40-year-high inflation and seek commitments from automakers and the federal government that Biden’s electrical vehicle agenda will not threaten their jobs or pay, as Breitbart News has documented

Multiple Trump aides have confirmed the 45th president’s plans to Breitbart News.

Trump, who regularly takes a majority of support in independent national GOP primary polls, is keeping with the strategy his campaign employed in the first debate when he skipped the event and instead joined Tucker Carlson for a one-on-one 45-minute interview on the host’s eponymously-named show, Tucker on Twittermore

28 Comments on Trump to Counter-Program Second GOP Debate by Appearing with Striking Auto Workers in Detroit

  1. Gee, I wonder how Trump would react if his Mara Logo or Trump Tower employees demanded a 40% pay raise and a 32-hour work week, or else they would strike? Ya think , “You’re Fired!!!” would enter into the equation?

    But no worries, Trump is always 3 steps ahead of his opponents.

  2. If I had to guess I would say that Trumps speech will be centered around EV technology and how it will kill the auto industry. UAW members are already on to this. He could build some big support despite what the Union is pushing for.

  3. Back in the early nineties my wife and I were getting our daughter settled in for her first year at A of U. I get a phone call from one of my loyal employees and my Fing GM was trying to take the shop union while I was out of town. We drove all night. I was there well before the day shift started and fired every individual involved. I had their final paycheck and their last written warning in hand. So firing the trouble makers is not out of the question.

  4. “That giant sucking sound is manufacturing going to Chyna!”

    It’s worse than that. I’ve read several places Captain Brain dead is going to let China bring in their EVs tariff free under the guise of a climate emergency. I hope Trump can document that.

  5. Yeah, the workers would certainly benefit from Trump as president over Biden in many ways. His focus has always been on keeping jobs in USA. So while dramatic pay raises may not be something he supports, he can take a lot of steps to make UAW peoples’ lives better.

  6. ^^^^ Yea, on FOX again. LOL. I hope they televise Trumps event. Watch FOXs ratings tank. Again. They should let RFK jr participate so he can tell Pence what a wonderful idea it is going to war with Russia on behalf of the Uke.

  7. Biden v. Trump debate.

    *knowledgeably holds forth extemporaneously in detail on any subject with correct, incisive info for as long as the moderator lets him, and still makes his point even if cut off.*

    “C’mon man! No joke!
    *shuffles voluminous notes, squints at JumboTron TelePrompTer, drools, mumbles incoherently, wanders a bit, then* my son died while he was president in Iraq. Its like, you know, the thing, when my house burns down and could lose my CAR! and *shouting* YOU KNOW WHAT?!? *whispers* I made the ‘conomy real good. I, I, I can tell ’cause I have ALL kinds of money! So everyone needs to give to ‘Krane and Gob save the keen.

  8. For those here backing the strike, the auto manufacturers have said that they can’t afford these conditions and that it would be the end of the auto industry in this country, assuming this is correct, is this something you support?

    With Trump getting involved and supporting the union workers, are they more or less apt to negotiate in good faith? I know he considers himself a supreme negotiator, bragging that he could stop the Ukraine war in 24 hours, but is his presence a benefit or a hindrance in the parties reaching an amicable settlement?

  9. I haven’t heard anybody here say they support the union. Trump showing up and informing them of some cold hard facts doesn’t mean he shows support for the strike and I doubt it will be presented that way.

  10. Let’s face it Rich, these Union guys have no clue how well they have it.
    Very few of them are skilled by any imagination.
    I bet most of them barely have a high school diploma.
    They are minions working in an automated environment.
    They perform the same chores in the factories that Chinese children do.
    And I say this in spite of my father working at Ford for decades.
    I’m sure there are exceptions, but for the most part they don’t have to be problem solvers, just cogs.

    Quick anecdote:
    Years back when I lived by the Truck plant in Louisville, there was a nice Mexican restaurant across the street.
    One afternoon I was at the bar drinking margaritas and eating chips & salsa, a Ford contract worker was drinking beer next to me.
    He was on his lunch break. I told him I was into automation.
    After we both had a bunch of booze, he asked if I wanted to come to the Ford plant and look at his machine that he was having trouble with.
    It was a tire/rimmer machine.
    Him being a contractor he was able to bring me in the plant pretty easily.
    I diagnosed his problem and solved it.
    A function timer was non-retentive causing the register to reset prematurely.
    Even while liquored up, Loco has it!

  11. “Trump showing up and informing them of some cold hard facts”

    Does any of these cold hard facts include the folly of ignoring the basic tenet of capitalism; that without the ability to turn a profit, the means of production, that very mechanism that pays their salary, grinds to a halt?

    On its face, the terms of demand, a 40% pay raise and a 32-hour work week, are ridiculous and tell me they are not serious. I am a union member, still in retirement, still pay my dues every month, so I get the push for a pay raise, Biden inflation, and all that. And I’m sure management would be open to some negotiation. But when you ask for the moon right off the bat and throw in something that is not open to any wiggle room (redefining a typical work week) you create a hostile environment where the natural reaction will be to dig in one’s heels and tell the other side to eat a dick.

    Of course, I will listen to Trump’s speech, if in fact the strike has not settled, but I will be surprised if he does not pander to the audience and throw his weight behind the demands of the workers.

  12. NO, he’s there to try and appeal to a group that’s at adds with the current power structure. Including their union. He’s there to make Biden Inc look ineffectual and non sympathetic to their perceived struggle. In short, he’s there to garner more votes and inflict as much damage as he can to the coup. And his timing is perfect. I would expect to see a lot of pandering. I think that’s how you win elections. Further more I don’t think he’s dwelling to much on his so called competition. They seem to be doing a pretty good job destroying themselves with out his help.

  13. “appeal to a group that’s at adds with the current power structure.”

    Which group is that? You can’t seriously be talking about unions, they have been a major part of the “power structure” for 50 years. Look at how much damage the NEA and Randi Weingarten have done to education. Their union dues have funded “the current power structure”, shaped it, and given it marching orders WRT Covid lockdowns and curricula (CRT, DEI, and open warfare on white children).

  14. You keep combining Unions, and Union Management, and Union Members as the same entity. They are not. The members are currently not to thrilled with the union or union management or the current government. You also seem more focused on the evils of the unions than appreciating the opportunity that exists for Trump to capitalize on their current dissatisfaction. In particular what EVs will do to their future. I’m out. I’m tired of going in small diameter circles here.

  15. Union members and union-management speak with one voice. It was the members that decided to strike and it will be the members, through their votes, that decide to either settle or prolong the strike.

    And do you really think the average union worker cares whether he installs bumpers on EV cars or ICE vehicles? The most important thing is to keep American car companies in business, providing good jobs and a competitive product that people will want to buy. Demanding ridiculous contract perks is antithetical to that notion.

  16. To, too, two… but I digress. I quit the telco union back when they refused to remove the gigantic “obola” banner from their headquarters. Never looked back! kucf the union thugs!
    oh! and FJB


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