Trump to GOP senators: You’re either with me or you’re with Hillary Clinton – IOTW Report

Trump to GOP senators: You’re either with me or you’re with Hillary Clinton

WE: Senate Republicans who met with Donald Trump Thursday described a mostly positive exchange with the presumptive GOP presidential nominee that was punctuated briefly by “frank exchanges” and some “tough” talk from Trump, who is rankled by some in the GOP conference who refuse to endorse him.

Trump met with GOP senators for 50 minutes, focusing his address on mostly policy issues, including poverty and taxes, and some discussion about polling.

But he made it clear to the GOP lawmakers that he believes they should be supporting him and told them: “It’s down to two, and if you can’t support me you are supporting Hillary.” more

12 Comments on Trump to GOP senators: You’re either with me or you’re with Hillary Clinton

  1. Fuck Mark Kirk(Flake too)-figures Illinois. Fucking POS-he’s a REgressive.he should just go full retard and switch parties.

    With Republicans(?) like this, who needs enemies?

  2. Trump has no friends at National Review. Neither do we Trumpers.
    NR,The Week, 7/11/16.
    “Trump’s floundering has revived talk of a convention revolt. Such a scenario would require a rules change and defy the wishes of Republican primary voters.(that be us.) They (we) knew of, and presumably discounted, his inexperience, ignorance, and instability.
    But did they reckon on flat-out incompetence”?
    I can picture read such diatribe in Mother Jones or The New York Times, but National Review?

  3. NR is gone Moe Tom. Loooong gone. What do you expect when they publish an entire issue with 23 “conservative” writers dedicated to bashing Trump. Their circle jerk of supporters is too small to sustain the magazine-I ended my subscription over 10 years ago-I suspect they’ll soon go the way of Newsweek.

    They’ve scored a twofer-irrelevant & uninteresting

  4. MM I fear you are right. I’ve been a subscriber and supported since 1968. I hope they enjoy their post election cruise to the Caribbean. It may be their last.

  5. Moe…..I stopped years ago after Buckley died…but I am still a friend in their mind since they keep e-mailing offers of $1 per issue. No thanks! I wouldn’t give then a cent after what they have been publishing.

  6. I just sent Mark Kirk a message. He hit my inbox telling me defeating ISIS is his priority. I told him voting for Hillary isn’t going to accomplish that, but he definitely lost my vote. Prick.

  7. There is a reason the GOP has been called “The Stupid Party” for some time now. The Dems are dishonest radicals, but they do what they say they are going to do and they do not undermine each other.

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