Trump to make major announcement Sunday night on coronavirus treatment – IOTW Report

Trump to make major announcement Sunday night on coronavirus treatment

Just The News:

After prodding medical regulators to pick up their pace, President Trump will announce Sunday evening a major therapeutic breakthrough for treating COVID-19, the White House says.

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany tweeted the development late Saturday night.

“News conference with President @realDonaldTrump at 6 pm tomorrow concerning a major therapeutic breakthrough on the China Virus. Secretary Azar and Dr. Hahn will be in attendance,” McEnany wrote.

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14 Comments on Trump to make major announcement Sunday night on coronavirus treatment

  1. Wonder if it will be b’cast by the DeMSM presstitutes?
    Or do I have to wait until Monday to read about it in the conservative alternative news?

  2. “…Obviously, they are hoping to delay the answer until after November 3rd. Must focus on speed, and saving lives!…”

    I can see the headlines now: “Trump accuses democrats of trying to kill American citizens”

  3. I tried to explain to my mom last night, that the virus ends on November 4th.

    She asked why (we are Canadian but she hates Turdo, Hillary & Biden)

    I explained to her that it was 1 day after the Election and the Plandemic is pointless to the Democrats If they gain power and if Trump maintains power, he has nothing to loose telling everyone to grow the fuck up and GO TO WORK!

    I May have been wrong. The Plandemic may be over for you boys in the USA if he announces a Vaccine for those who want it.

    Good luck boys!

  4. POTUS Trump will prevail in November. The Commie Dems pretty much sealed their fate this past week with that Thing they did.

    Kcir is right. Covid19 will be in the rearview mirror the day after Trump’s reelection.

    Read a good article at TownHall today about Trump’s post-convention bump (and it wasn’t even our convention):

    “Trump is doing better than he did at this point in 2016, too, according to RCP, a sign of voters in key areas making up their minds.

    Trump is actually ahead in battleground states based on the same RCP chart – this is where elections are won. The RealClearPolitics chart here is an eye-opener.”

    Hard to believe he’s doing even better than at this point in ’16, but there it is. Since this is RCP comparing their own numbers I was able to go back to bookmarks and check them.

    It seems very odd to me that there are so few visible signs of a Trump campaign — compared to ’16. We who are reelecting him have been so very quiet about our public support. No funny videos of yard sign stealing and daily stump speeches. I miss those a lot. More than anything, I miss videos of Strange Hillary being dumped into her campaign SUV and her startling seizures. Politics can be so disappointing. We’re left this year with two utterly boring rivals — Biden and Harris; same old, garden-variety scandals and shop-worn communist screeds. Ugh.

  5. If an effective treatment or, even better, a vaccine can be produced before the election it will make the Democrat strategy of attacking Trump over it worthless and leave the Dems with nothing but cries of “racist” to use against him. Not enough people will believe that and also be willing to overlook Biden’s obviously racist past.

    But it will depend on how the Trump campaign handles it and how he takes advantage of it more than anything else.


  6. …oops. Here’s the link to the TownHall article:

    Good news just keeps coming for us. That ‘V’ shaped recovery is already a big work under construction, as the markets are several steps ahead of its reality. As is said, the Markets hate surprises, and investors don’t take these risks if there is even a hint of bad news on the horizon, even if that bad news is all in their heads. Human nature being what it is it is far easier to imagine boogy men than it is to have optimism, so that shades the continuing recovery in an even more rosy color. And if that weren’t enough, add Krugman’s doom and gloom forecast and, well, it looks like we’re going to finally get a running start at breaking the globalist New World Order’s grip on our nation and society.

    Be of good cheer.

  7. I get the distinct impression that Foucci has gone the gamut from Doctor to Window-Dressing to Bore-Hog-Teat to Navel Lint! I really don’t think President Trump wants anything to do with that charlatan!

  8. After watching the “Human 2.0”, I don’t want a vaccine. I have never had a flu shot and will do my best to avoid them.
    How many Millions of flu shots are given every year that is the wrong strain. They might as well just give a dose of water. They will still charge $25. But it FREE, no you still pay for it in one way or another.

    If you missed the Human 2.0. It’s worth the 20 min.

  9. It turns out that you just need a big bowl of green chili (cheddar cheese, cilantro, red onion or pico toppings), two tortillas and a fire roasted jalapeño. Margaritas are also recommended before the back rub….


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