Trump to order meat plants to stay open – IOTW Report

Trump to order meat plants to stay open

Just the News:

[…] Trump on Tuesday told reporters that “there’s plenty of supply,” but that supply chains had hit what he called a “road block. It’s sort of a legal roadblock more than anything else,” he said.

At least 22 plants processing meat from pork to chicken have closed at some point after clusters of employees tested positive for Covid-19, according to United Food and Commercial Workers International Union.

The government will provide additional protective gear for employees as well as guidance, according to the person, reported Politico.
Whole story here

29 Comments on Trump to order meat plants to stay open

  1. You suck Chinese cock. Go back to beating off to mid 1980’s post apocalyptic movies, Anonymous.

    Cheese dog salivating at social unrest and violence. I swear to Crom you would be the one eaten in the life boat. IN SIGHT OF LAND.

  2. Just provide (buy, sell, barter) everybody in America (350 million?)with one cow, one bull, one hog, one boar, 5 chickens and one rooster. The finish line is within everyones reach…..Many of us will have 50 of each in about 3 years…..

  3. About time. Rome kept a stranglehold on Egypt because without the Egyptian grain the bread and circuses would only be circuses and a hungry Roman was an angry, rioting Roman; even with unlimited Netflix.
    No hotwings, brats or Micky D’s would make a long hot summer.

  4. The food supply isn’t broken, government is. Trump barely hinted at the problem when he said it is a legal problem. The government stands in the way of everything it touches including food distribution. I could begin putting beef in your freezer tomorrow but the government says I can’t because USDA yadda, yadda. That milk and produce that got dumped wasn’t packaged for retail sale so people couldn’t buy it, according to the government. Those 2 million chickens to be distroyed would feed a lot of people lining up at the chicken farm driveway, but the government says you can’t do that. If you knew how the government moves to stop people from going about living, you wouldn’t beleive your eyes.

    From the ghost of Jack Yantis: If the police dispatcher calls you one evening and says “go take care of your bull”, don’t go.

  5. This meat processing plant “crisis” is just another opportunity for the totalitarian left to exploit. You mark my words, it will be a constant drip, drip, drip of fear mongering wuhan flu news all the way up to the election. This is the DNC’s strategy. They are despicable, lower-than-swamp scum sub-human beings.

  6. …my plant does military production too, so we already are covered under the DPA. It’s kind of nice to talk to a vendor and invoke that to get a priority, but it does nothing to help when we lose 20 person crews at 0300 because they stand down a line because they “might” have had contact with a person with COVID.

    The DPA doesn’t help spit out trained personnel.

    We have lots and lots of laws we have to follow, Trump or no Trump, and there’s VERY good reasons for MOST of them, because most manufacturers WOULD cut corners if they COULD.

    That’s why they’re all full of illegal Muslims. They work cheap. The fact that we can’t train what we can’t talk to is apparently a minor consideration.

    We have a permanant AVI, FDA, and USDA presence at all times when we run the products they regulate, but THEY have to be available when we run, too, or it ain’t legal. From raw material through fill and process to hemetically sealed container is VERY tightly regulated, and even the chemicals used to clean with have to be approved by this matrix of regulatory agencies, including the Department of Commerce for seafood. It gets that weird.

    And it’s not an island. You can’t process raw materials if your raw material supplier is shut down. You can’t fill containers if your container OEM isn’t deemed essential. You can’t ship if the trucks are full of medical supplies.

    The point is, it’s all connected, and just ordering meat plants not to close doesn’t necessarily get ‘er done.

    …and people make their OWN decisions about risk acceptance regardless of what an employer or government might want. A couple days ago, they announced our process products plant had their first COVID case. For some reason this REALLY upset one of my palletizers, who worked NOWHERE NEAR where this guy did, to the point where he was cussing and throwing things until they pulled him off the floor ro calm him down, but he kept working up more and more about how they failed to protect him until he threw his badge on the floor, told them fo feck off, and stomped out for what I can GUARANTEE was the last time. Too bad, too, for him because whether he has COVID or not, what he DOESN’T have us a JOB (and the State unemployment system is currently crashed), and for US because he was decent at his trained job and we don’t have a lot of people to backfill his position, so slower we go.

    I’m not immune either. My wife was less than thrilled with the news, mostly because she’s concerned for her elderly mother who lives with us, so now I have to practically strip at the door and motor right to the shower. Thing us, I know we’ve had people with flu before…I’ve BEEN people with flu before…we’ve just not ANNOUNCED every case of it before. Just “Go home, come back when you feel better”. Now every dry cough is treated like Bubonic Plauge, and enormous plastic draperies are scubbed immediately with REALLY smelly chemicals, as well as him and everyone in a 12 foot radius is immediately exiled for a fortnight.

    Ordering a plant open is one thing. Making it viable, or even possible, is quite another…

  7. AW-RIGHT LARRY, I slayed some iceberg last week repeatedly, orphaned some bleu cheese and sent some croutons off to fend for themselves in the hinterlands without boats. Kale? hell killed him with neglect. He turned brown next to my political prisoner, Kin Chi, but I did manage to fondle my favorite olives while I massacred their best peppers….bamboo and pine punji sticks…

    APRIL 28, 2020 AT 7:33 PM
    “… according to United Food and Commercial Workers International Union.”

    …we kept UFCW out of our plant, little Obama shirts and all. They were, and are, scum. I know people who are UFCW, and they say for the first SIX YEARS, all they do is collect dues, and do NOTHING for the due payer, by their own admission.

    It’s not much better AFTER that. In a union, senority is everything, and the leadership ALWAYS spends YOUR money on Democrats…

  9. Canada’s are closing.

    Turns out there were a lot of Temporary Foreign workers at them and some tested (+)ve. (not their fault)

    Triple your prices and stick it up Turdeau’s ass. He does not mind.

    Canada is very heavily owned by CHYNA.

    We are Done.

  10. No Kraft cheese dinner and Canada goes tits up?

    Christ you guys are pussies.

    A. Canadaland is not “done.” It’s just full of whiny brats. Same down here.

    B. If you actually are “done”, please make room for kick ass Americans who will exploit your nations resources and leave you with fast food chains from coast to coast.

    C. Stupid Flanders country.

  11. I think that some of this is payback for Trump’s packing plant immigration raids.

    This will become very ugly very fast if the Feds and the states don’t pull their collective heads out of their behinds. Inconvenience is one thing, hunger is altogether different.

    Food doesn’t come from replicators. We can’t just suddenly ramp up production. After the first panic buying, it took over two weeks to get meat and dairy back on the shelves (we had a couple of extra mass buying panics because of the earthquake and aftershocks — foreshocks, if you want to be really negative).

    Slaughtering animals and burning or burying the carcasses. Plowing under crops, pouring milk down the sewer. Paralyzing an economy. It is all surreal. We will starve and face destitution because of policy. This was supposed to be have been a two week interruption that has been drawn out into an interminable nightmare.

    Trump can likely get things working but he is surrounded by deep-state nevertrumpers who stifle his better instincts. They and the Dems want to force Trump to appear the dictator they have always accused him of being. I think it is time he stopped worrying about it and do what needs to be done, then prove that he can walk away from that power, once the crisis ends — something a Dem is incapable of.

    The Dems, meanwhile, are telling us that this crisis must be taken advantage of. This is the life they dreamed for us when Obama was elected. They won’t let us go back without a fight.

  12. MMmmmmm, just enjoyed a top sirloin ground beef cheeseburger, grilled by me. I didn’t hear any cows crying for mercy, or sniveling vegans, well, just crying. It was delicious.

    Enjoy your kale and tofu you misguided dumb-ass libs. Just leave me the f*ck alone.


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